Release v1.1.0
What's Changed
Defect Fixes
- Fix label for Analysis Language field by @jmgrady in #2533
- Fix empty project bug on project creation by @imnasnainaec in #2547
- Configure whether languages should be installed on a per chart basis by @jmgrady in #2548
- Don't mutate the input in the Font Context constructor by @imnasnainaec in #2550
- Clear the audio when a new entry is submitted by @imnasnainaec in #2566
Code Maintenance
- Update Python versions: remove 3.8, 3.9; add 3.11 by @imnasnainaec in #2510
Other Changes
- Add option to change vernacular language name in Project Settings by @Apoktieno in #2528
- Dependabot updates for week of 4 September 2023 by @jmgrady in #2542
- Add some checks to editing project's vernacular language name by @imnasnainaec in #2545
- Frontend font support by @imnasnainaec in #2493
- Add direction to fontContext by @imnasnainaec in #2546
Full Changelog: v1.0.24...v1.1.0