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Fanda Vacek edited this page May 1, 2022 · 6 revisions

CPON ChainPack Object Notation

Superset of JSON with following extensions:

  • String - C-escaped Utf8 encoded string, can contain any char except of ", \, TAB, CR, LF, 0. Supported escape sequences are \0, \b, f, \n, \r, \t. Octal, hexadecimal and unicode \xHH and \uHHHH sequences are not supported yet.
  • Blob
    • Escaped - b"..." values 0x00 - 0x1f and 0x7f - 0xff are stored as escape sequence \hh, \ as \\, " as \", TAB as \t, CR as \r, LF as \n, other values as ASCII b"ab\31" is the same as b"ab1"
    • Hex - x"..." char values are saved as hh, for example "ab1" is coded as x"616231"
  • MetaMap - < int_key: val1 , "string_key": val2, ... > with Int or String keys, example <3:42u, "foo":"bar">
  • IMap - i{ key: val , ... }, map with int keys, example i{3:42u, 4:"abc"}
  • hexadecimal notation for int is supported, example: 0x20, 0x40u
  • UInt - u suffix, example 123u is UInt(123)
  • Decimal - floating point numbers with decimal point . or in exponential format, example: 123.45, 12345e-2. Decimals are not converted to double, the are stored as mantisa + exponent instead without loose of precision. For example 1.1 is stored as pair (11,-1)
  • DateTime - d prefix, example d"2017-05-03T15:52:31.123"
  • C style comments are supported, for example [1,/*2,*/3] means [1,3]
  • List and Map fields can be delimited by any white-space character including new line, ie. [1 2 3] means [1,2,3]
  • List and Map fields can have delimiter , after last item like: [1,2,3,]


<"type": "temperature">32
  "name": "John",
  "birth": <"format": "ISODate">"2000-12-11",

Complete syntax description: