# Ngnrails is a gem for dev wizards who want to use AngularJS and Rails in their projects.
# This little gem cares about your productivity. It’s motto is: Less typing = more work done. # Ngnrails provides you with set of generators which let you create new Single Page Applications (SPA’s), routes, directives, etc. # With just one command you can have your application up and running using amazing Rails and powerful AngularJS.
# To install Ngnrails add to your Gemfile # gem ‘ngnrails’, github: ‘silentlight/ngnrails’ # and run ‘sudo bundle install’ command #
# Ngnrails assumes that you are using Bower for assets dependency management. It means that instead of adding asset related files # like for instance AngularJS or jQuery libraries to Gemfile, you are adding them to bower.json. Why do we need that? If the new # version of our favorite library comes out, we don’t need to wait until gem is updated to that version. With one simple command # ‘bower install’, you can download and use the newest libraries available. # You can find more info about Bower here bower.io/
# IMPORTANT NOTE! # Ngnrails does not install Bower for you. Please use above link to install it on your machine manually.
# First thing after installing Ngnrails that you have to do is to run # ‘rails g ngnrails:install’ # This will generate all necessary files, update routes.rb, and install required and optional Bower packages #
# In order to creat a Single Page Application (SPA) you have to run # rails g ngnrails:spa [spa_name] # After providing few key information, you will be able to run ‘rake routes’ to see that the main route to the SPA you # just created is there waiting for you. Use that url to view it in the browser. # # Once SPA is created you have number of generator you can use to create Angular resources for this particular SPA: # 1. rails g ngnrails:route [spa_name] - Adds route to SPA (to app.js file), creates Angular controller, creates view (static or dynamic) # 2. rails g ngnrails:directive [spa_name] - Adds directive files and creates static or dynamic template (if needed) # 3. rails g ngnrails:service [spa_name] - Adds service file # 4. rails g ngnrails:factory [spa_name] - Adds factory file # 5. rails g ngnrails:filter [spa_name] - Adds filter file # 6. rails g ngnrails:controller [spa_name] - Adds controller file # 7. rails g ngnrails:constant [spa_name] - Adds constant to app.js file # 8. rails g ngnrails:value [spa_name] - Adds value to app.js file #
# When there is a situation when you have more than one SPA’s in your application (ie. one under “/admin” and one under “/partner”) # what happens when you want to share Angular resources between them? # Here we introduce the concept of shared AngularJS modules which can be found under app/assets/javascripts/ng/modules directory. # Those modules can be used by and SPA which is located under app/assets/javascripts/ng/apps directory. # Here we have following generators available: # 1. rails g ngnrails:module:directive - Adds directive files and creates static or dynamic template (if needed) # 2. rails g ngnrails:module:service - Adds service file # 3. rails g ngnrails:module:factory - Adds factory file # 4. rails g ngnrails:module:filter - Adds filter file # 5. rails g ngnrails:module:controller - Adds controller file # 6. rails g ngnrails:module:constant - Adds constant to app.js file # 7. rails g ngnrails:module:value - Adds value to app.js file
# I recommend using Bower for including new modules to our SPA’s. # In order to do that you can simply run ‘bower install –save [package_name]’ # All packages are downloaded to vendor/assets/bower_components direcotry # Once the package is downloaded you can add it: # 1. Globally - edit app/assets/javascripts/includes.js # 2. SPA specific edit app/assets/ng/apps//includes.js # # The other way is to download the module manually and place it under proper directory inside app/assets/javascripts/ng/modules direcotry.
# When you have a SPA-specific module (ie. directive), and you want it to be used in others SPA’s as well, I provide you with conviniece # generators to refactor your module to shared modules. # In order to do that you can use below generators: # 1. rails g ngnrails:refactor:directive [spa_name] - Refactors directive from specific SPA # 2. rails g ngnrails:refactor:service [spa_name] - Refactors service from specific SPA # 3. rails g ngnrails:refactor:factory [spa_name] - Refactors factory from specific SPA # 4. rails g ngnrails:refactor:filter [spa_name] - Refactors filter from specific SPA # 5. rails g ngnrails:refactor:controller [spa_name] - Refactors controller from specific SPA # 6. rails g ngnrails:refactor:constant [spa_name] - Refactors constant from specific SPA # 7. rails g ngnrails:refactor:value [spa_name] - Refactors value from specific SPA