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Vue Baremetrics Calendar

A Vue.js wrapper for the beautiful date-range picker made by the Baremetrics team.

The Vue-Baremetrics date range picker is a simplified solution for selecting both date ranges and single dates all from a single calender view. With a revamped minimalistic redesign.

Redesigned and Wrapped for Vue.js by Divyansh Tripathi


npm i --save vue2-baremetrics-calendar


Global Usage

Global Registeration via Vue.use() method.

// main.js
import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import router from "./router";
// import the plugin
import Calendar from "vue2-baremetrics-calendar";

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

// use the plugin

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

Once registered you can use the component in its default settings with as follows:-



REMEMBER elementName is the only required prop and it should be different for each datepicker in your component

  <div id="app">


  import Calendar from "./components/Calendar";
  export default {
    components: {
    methods: {
      processOutput(output) {

Events Emitted -

Name Type Output Description
dateEdit double [Timestamp(begin), Timestamp(end)] Array of start date and end date
dateEdit single Timestamp Selected date Timestamp

Base Calendar Props

  • elementName *required [string]
    • DOM object of the calendar div you're working on
  • earliest_date [date YYYY-MM-DD]
    • The earliest date to show in the calendar
  • latest_date [date YYYY-MM-DD]
    • The latest date to show in the calendar
  • format [object]
    • Object containing formatting strings for.. you guessed it.. formatting your dates
      format: {
        input: 'MMMM D, YYYY', // Format for the input fields
        jump_month: 'MMMM', // Format for the month switcher
        jump_year: 'YYYY' // Format for the year switcher
  • days_array [array]
    • Array of the 7 strings you'd like to represent your days in the calendar
    days_array: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"];

Single Calendar Props

  • current_date [date YYYY-MM-DD]
    • The date to start the calendar on
  • required [boolean]
    • Toggle if this field must have always have a valid selected date
  • placeholder [string]
    • Set placeholder text (note this will only apply if the required key is set to false). The default will be whatever moment date format you're using. (i.e. 'M/D/YYYY')

Double Calendar Props

  • start_date [date YYYY-MM-DD]
    • The date to start the selection on for the calendar
  • end_date [date YYYY-MM-DD]
    • The date to end the selection on for the calendar
  • same_day_range [boolean]
    • Allow a range selection of a single day
  • format [preset key in format object] // see above
    • The double calendar adds the preset key to the format object for formatting the preset dates in the preset dropdown
  • presets [boolean] or [object]
    • If you don't want to show the preset link just set this to false otherwise the default is true which will just give you a basic preset of.. yep.. presets. BOOM!
    • Otherwise, if you want to customize it up you can include an array of preset objects. Something like:
    presets: [
        label: "Last month",
        start: moment()
          .subtract(1, "month")
        end: moment()
          .subtract(1, "month")
        label: "Last year",
        start: moment()
          .subtract(1, "year")
        end: moment()
          .subtract(1, "year")