A Clojure library for interacting with GeoTools, an open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data.
To check for outdated dependencies, run:
clojure -M:check-deps
Remember to update deps.edn with any new versions that are found.
To check for reflection warnings, run:
clojure -M:check-reflection
Remember to add type hints as necessary to remove these once found.
To build a JAR from this library and deploy it to clojars.org, run:
env CLOJARS_USERNAME=your-username CLOJARS_PASSWORD=your-clojars-token clojure -M:deploy-jar
NOTE: As of 2020-06-27, Clojars will no longer accept your Clojars password when deploying. You will have to use a token instead. Please read more about this here.
To launch the test suite, run:
clojure -M:test
Copyright © 2011-2023 Spatial Informatics Group, LLC.
Magellan is distributed by Spatial Informatics Group, LLC. under the terms of the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 (EPLv2). See LICENSE.txt in this directory for more information.