Laravel Subdivisions is a bundle for Laravel 4.2, providing what is roughly all ISO 3166_2 subdivisions (a.k.a., states, provinces, etc.) for all countries. Based on the awesome work Webpatser did in his laravel-countries package.
Add sidm/laravel-subdivisions
to composer.json
"sidm/laravel-subdivisions": "dev-master"
Run composer update
to pull down the latest version of the Subdivision List.
Edit app/config/app.php
and add the provider
and filter
'providers' => array(
Now add the alias.
'aliases' => array(
'Subdivisions' => 'sidm\Subdivisions\SubdivisionsFacade',
Start by publishing the configuration. The first variable is the table name, if the default name subdivisions
is fine you should not modify it.
The next two variables are very important:
'country_table_name' => 'countries',
'iso_3166_2_column_name' => 'iso_3166_2',
If you only want subdivisions and do not have a countries table both of these values should be changed to null (i.e., ''). If you are using the Webpatser/laravel-countries package the defaults should work fine. If you are using another package, or have rolled your own, the country_table_name
should be set to the table name that holds your list of countries, and iso_3166_2_column_name
should be set to the name of the column that contains the iso_3166_2 values for each country.
When you have modified the configuration file (src/config/config.php) run the following command:
$ php artisan config:publish sidm/laravel-subdivisions
Next generate the migration file:
$ php artisan subdivisions:migration
It will generate the <timestamp>_setup_subdivisions_table.php
migration and the SubdivisionsSeeder.php
seeder. To make sure the data is seeded insert the following code in the seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php
//Seed the subdivisions
$this->command->info('Seeded the subdivisions!');
You may now run it with the artisan migrate command:
$ php artisan migrate --seed
After running this command the filled subdivisions table will be available
If you are using the Webpatser/laravel-countries package to use this in a form you can place the following in any controller:
$countries = Countries::lists('name', 'id');
$states = Subdivisions::where('country_id', '=', 840)->lists('region', 'id');
return View::make('yourview.create', compact('countries', 'states'));
Then in a form to use countries you may do the following:
{{ Form::label('country', 'Country') }}<br>
// 840 will default to the United States
{{ Form::select('country', $countries, '840') }}
Finally for states you may do the following:
{{ Form::label('state', 'State/Province/Region') }}<br>
// 4133 will default to Alabama
{{ Form::select('state', $states, '4133') }}