# clonut A core.async based, action triggered state loop for Clojurescript - similar to Clojure agents. ## Motivation For the reasons outlined [here](https://github.com/levand/quiescent#rationale) I currently prefer [Quiescent](https://github.com/levand/quiescent) over [Om](https://github.com/omcljs/om) and [Reagent](https://reagent-project.github.io/) for writing [React](https://facebook.github.io/react/) based single page web apps in Clojurescript.
Since Quiescent does, in contrast to Om and Reagent, not manage your application state and does not control the render/re-render cycle, what I actually consider a feature than a lack, I can implement that in a way that fits my needs. What I do not want is to use 'add-watch' on an atom since it obscures control flow like AOP. Also I want to let the user of the toolkit decide, when to push state to the renderer.
So this library is what I have come up with. Since I have realized that this kind of looping state around in an asynchronous channel construct, could be of general use, I have decoupled it from Quiescent related code.
I am also aware that this smells a bit of Clojure's agents, but since agents are not implemented in Clojurescript I thought this could be useful for the community.
One of the manifold ways to use this
(ns clonut.example.core
(:require [quiescent.core :as q]
[quiescent.dom :as d]
[clonut.core :refer [with-state act-on-jsevent]]
[clonut.renderq :as renderq]
[cljs.core.async :refer [tap put!]]))
(q/defcomponent TitleButton
[title onClick]
(d/button {:className "title-button"
:style {:color "green"}
:onClick onClick}
(q/defcomponent Root
[{:keys [titles selected-title]}
& {:keys [onTitleClick]}]
(d/div {}
(d/h1 {:className "title"
:style {:color "blue"}}
(titles selected-title))
(apply d/div {}
(fn [i t] (TitleButton t #(onTitleClick i))) titles))))
(defn setTitle [state title-index]
(assoc state :selected-title title-index))
(defn event-handlers [action-channel]
(let [act #(act-on-jsevent action-channel %)]
[:onTitleClick (act setTitle)]))
(def initial-state
{:titles ["Foo" "Bar"]
:selected-title 0})
(defn render-fn [action-channel]
(fn [state]
(q/render (apply Root state (event-handlers action-channel))
(.getElementById js/document "view"))))
(defn app [action-channel state-mult]
(tap state-mult (renderq/most-recent (render-fn action-channel)))
(defn main []
(with-state app))
coming soon ...
coming soon ...
- make this code also available as a Clojure library by using CLJX