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Thomas Scheiblauer edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Additional features:

  • separately configurable first layer TRAVEL acceleration and jerk, which makes sense for minimizing stringing on the first layer image

  • option to calculate acceleration and jerk based on the Pressure Advance K factor because Bambu Lab's and probably also Klipper's Pressure Advance (PA) algorithm in contrast to Marlin's Linear Advance (LA) only modifies the extrusion rate dynamically but not acceleration and jerk. This leads to the issue that high K values which you need for flexible filaments do not seem to do anything, because PA does not have enough time to compensate for the high filament compression of these materials inside the extruder. Decreasing acceleration and also jerk in these cases ensures that the configured K value can be applied properly. The second advantage of this approach is, that it becomes less likely that flexible filaments will clog the extruder, because they will be handled less jerkily during extrusion. It's also a somewhat more pragmatic approach to what "extrusion rate smoothing" strives to partially achieve with the following advantages:

    • it does not depend on the configured acceleration, because it modifies it.
    • you don't have to take nozzle diameter and layer height into account, because the PA K value already depends on these parameters so only PA needs to be properly calibrated
    • the fact that it's calculated from PA ensures that it is applied as needed. A low PA K value does not increase extrusion motor stress as much as high values.
    • it does not break up the lines into short segments
    • it works with every speed change, also the ones that only happen in printer firmware and are thus not known to the slicer
    • it also works with arc fitting enabled!

    This feature can only be used when you explicitly set default values for acceleration and jerk and don't leave it at 0 (machine default). image


fixes FanMover and thus "fan speed-up time" and "fan kick-start time":

  • fixes poop chute fill ups with Bambu Lab X and P series where the cooling fan stop commands from the filament change g-code got accidentally removed by the FanMover, thus leaving the cooling fans running on their previously set speed, resulting in loose, stringy balls of filament poop that couldn't get disposed of. This also fixes all other possible problems caused by this bug with any printer, where the filament change g-code in the filament profile contains fan speed modification commands.
  • removes "only overhangs" option from "fan speed-up time", because it could have never worked the way it was ported from SuperSlicer and imho it makes no sense to correct fan speed-up time only for overhangs. Fan latency is fan latency regardless of extrusion role.
  • includes all recent FanMover fixes from SuperSlicer
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