Easy way to implement google maps in your Rails app or other.
Dependency: jQuery
##Load Place map_helper in vendor folder.
- vendor
- javascripts
- map_helper
- maphelper.coffee
- map_helper
- javascripts
//= require map_helper/map_helper
##Rails app
Assuming you hava Place model.
rails g scaffold place name:string address:stiring latitude:float longitude:float
Load google maps api. Make it compatible with turbolinks if needed.
ready = ->
if !window.google
# if !window.google.maps (if you are useing other google api)
script = document.createElement('script')
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&' +
window.triggerMap = ->
# your code (see examples below)
# For turbolinks
$(document).on 'page:load', ready
##Display map
<div class="map-show-canvas"
data-latitude="<%= @place.latitude %>"
data-longitude="<%= @place.longitude %>">
MapHelper.showMap(canvas, options)
window.triggerMap = ->
# --- show --- #
mapCanvas = $('.map-show-canvas')
if mapCanvas.length && mapCanvas.attr('data-latitude')
mapHeight: 300,
mapLat: mapCanvas.attr('data-latitude'),
mapLng: mapCanvas.attr('data-longitude'),
zoom: 10
#scaleControl: ,
#scrollwheel: ,
#showMarker: ,
#draggable: ,
Name | Type | Default |
mapHeight | integer | 300 |
mapLat | float | 35.6894875 #Tokyo |
mapLng | float | 139.6917064 #Tokyo |
zoom | integer | 4 |
scaleControl | boolean | true |
scrollwheel | boolean | false |
showMarker | boolean | true |
draggable | boolean | false |
afterShow | function | null |
##Search location and display map
Add "address" class to your text field (could be multipul). By clicking trigger, it sets latitude and longitude and display the map.
<%= form_for(@place) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :name %><br>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :address %><br>
<%= f.text_field :address, class: "address" %>
<%= link_to "SEARCH", "#", class: "map-search-button" %>
<div class="map-canvas" style="height: 0;"
data-lat="<%= f.object.latitude %>"
data-lng="<%= f.object.longitude %>">
<%= f.text_field :latitude, readonly: true %>
<%= f.text_field :longitude,readonly: true %>
<% end %>
MapHelper.searchShowMap(canvas, options)
window.triggerMap = ->
# --- new/edit --- #
if $('.map-search-button').length
mapHeight: 300,
trigger: $('.map-search-button'),
addressInput: $('.address'), #could be multiple
latInput: $('#place_latitude'),
lngInput: $('#place_longitude'),
zoom: 10
#scaleControl: ,
#scrollwheel: ,
#showMarker: ,
#draggable: ,
afterShow: ->
console.log "Map is displayed."
Name | Type | Default |
mapHeight | integer | 300 |
trigger | jQuery object | $('.search-map-trigger') |
addressInput | jQuery object | $('.search-map-address') |
latInput | jQuery object | $('input.latitude') |
lngInput | jQuery object | $('input.longitude') |
zoom | integer | 4 |
scaleControl | boolean | true |
scrollwheel | boolean | false |
showMarker | boolean | true |
draggable | boolean | false |
afterShow | function | null |
##Display map with markers
You can drop map markers as many as you want. (Return json from your Rails controller.)
def index
@places = Place.all
respond_to do |f|
f.json { render json: @places }
<div class="map-index"></div>
MapHelper.showMapWithMarkers(canvas, options, json)
window.triggerMap = ->
# --- index --- #
if $('.map-index').length
type: 'GET',
url: '/places.json',
# data: { if you need }
).done( (data) ->
if data.length
mapHeight: 400,
mapLat: data[0].latitude, #center
mapLng: data[0].longitude, #center
zoom: 2,
showMarker: false,
draggable: false,
controller: 'places',
titleField: 'name'
}, data)
and titleField
are used for adding Info windows.
Name | Type | Default |
mapHeight | integer | 300 |
mapLat | float | 35.6894875 #Tokyo |
mapLng | float | 139.6917064 #Tokyo |
zoom | integer | 4 |
scaleControl | boolean | true |
scrollwheel | boolean | false |
showMarker | boolean | true |
draggable | boolean | false |
afterShow | function | null |
controller | string | "posts" |
titleField | string | "title" |