This project aims to develop a machine learning model for proactive fraud detection in financial transactions. The dataset contains information about various transactions, including transaction type, amount, balance changes, and whether the transaction is fraudulent or not. By analyzing this data and training machine learning models, we aim to identify patterns and predict fraudulent transactions, thus enhancing security measures for financial systems.
The dataset used in this project is provided in CSV format, containing 6,362,620 rows and 10 columns. Each row represents a transaction, and the columns include:
: Unit of time in the simulation (1 step = 1 hour)type
: Type of transaction (CASH-IN, CASH-OUT, DEBIT, PAYMENT, TRANSFER)amount
: Amount of the transaction in local currencynameOrig
: Customer initiating the transactionoldbalanceOrg
: Initial balance before the transactionnewbalanceOrig
: New balance after the transactionnameDest
: Recipient of the transactionoldbalanceDest
: Initial balance of the recipient before the transactionnewbalanceDest
: New balance of the recipient after the transactionisFraud
: Binary indicator (1 for fraudulent transaction, 0 otherwise)isFlaggedFraud
: Binary indicator for flagged illegal attempts
The machine learning models trained in this project achieve high precision, recall, and F1-score in detecting fraudulent transactions. The key factors predicting fraudulent transactions include transaction amount, account balances, and transaction types.