This package help you add Wordpress like admin bar to your Laravel application. Admin bar is an easy-to-access toolbar to your admin pages.
- laravel/framework >= 5.5
To instal laravel-admin-bar, require it by Composer:
composer require shrft/laravel-admin-bar
Once Composer is done, run the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shrft\AdminBar\AdminBarServiceProvider"
If you visit your page, you already have Admin bar!
You can configure how and when admin bar should be shown via the configuration file called adminbar.php
If you have already run the publish command above, you should already have this file under the config directory.
The following is the default setup of the adminbar.php
You can learn how to configure Admin Bar from the doc blocks of this file.
return array(
* Change this to false to disable admin bar
* */
* Please specify your admin pages' url so that Admin Bar does not show up in
* your admin pages.
* The default is 'admin/*'
* The pass is checked with Illuminate\Http\Request::is().
* */
'excludes' => 'admin/*',
* In order to show Admin Bar only for logged in admin users,
* please specify how to tell if current visitor is logged in and also an admin
* user.
* As a default, we just return true.
* */
'is_admin' => function(){
// This is an example code.
// if( Auth::user() && Auth::user()->isAdmin()){
// return true;
// }
// return false;
return true;
* Specify links to show on Admin Bar.
* */
'menus' => array(
['title'=>'Admin Top', 'path'=>'/admin'],
['title'=>'Add a post', 'path'=>'/admin/post/new'],
// you can pass callback to the path
['title'=>'Edit a post', 'path'=>function($request){
// this is an example of how you generate pass dynamically.
$postid = $request->route('id');
return '/admin/post/edit/' . $postid;
// if you return false, this link is not displayed.
return false;
// pass an array to path for dropdown menu.
['title'=>'Drop Down', 'path'=>[
['title'=>'Option1', 'path'=>'/path/to/option1'],
['title'=>'Option2', 'path'=>'/path/to/option2']
Laravel Admin Bar is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.