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Vdf.NET 0.6.0

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@shravan2x shravan2x released this 29 May 07:30
· 6 commits to master since this release
  • Added comment serialization and deserialization support. Learn more at #18.
  • Added DeepClone method to VToken.
  • Added VToken.DeepEquals to deep compare two VTokens.
  • Added support for C# 8's nullable reference types.


  • VObject.Children() now returns an IEnumerable, rather than an IEnumerable. This is more in line with Json.NET and allows for comments (which are VTokens) to be returned.
  • VProperty's empty constructor has been removed. Neither Key or Value should be null. C# 8's NRT feature type-checks this.
  • VObject's IDictionary<string, VToken>.this[string key] indexer now throws a KeyNotFoundException when the key isn't found. Note that that VObject's regular this[string key] indexer still returns null when the key isn't found.