We have been learning Full Stack-Web Development at Masai School. I and my team have made this project during the construct week of unit-4 at Masai school. Here is the link of our app is live on github:-
github link- HTML
The above picture is of the User Login page that is created by Raushan Raj Singh where User can create their own account and able to login to the website. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Navbar & Carousel
The above picture is of the Navbar and carousel that is created by Raushan Raj Singh where user can able to visit whole website pages. He used HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.

The above picture is of the Footer that is created by Mayank Belwal. He is involved in all the HTML, SASS, javascript to achieve this layout and functionality. After Click on Contact Us Now this page will redirect to the Contact Us page.
Room list
The above picture is of the Room list that is created by Shraddha gawde where user can able to select their needed Room. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Room details
The above picture is of the Room details that is created by Mayank Belwal where user can able to see the details of their Room. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Near by places
The above picture is of the near by places that is created by Shraddha gawde where user can able to see the near by places. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality with Infinite Scrolling.
Contact us
The above picture is of the Contact us that is created by Deepak where user can able to see the map and able to connect with admin with their query and also able to send massage. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
The above picture is of the Payment details that is created by Shraddha where user can able to make thier room payment with the help of card and otp verification. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Payment Sucessfull
The above picture is of the Payment Sucessfull popup that is created by Raushan Raj Singh where user can able to see the popup when they complete their payment. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Admin logIn
The above picture is of the Admin login that is created by Raushan Raj Singh where Admin can able to login with their admin access. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
Admin logIn
The above picture is of the Add hotel page that is created by Deepak where Admin can able to login with their admin access and can able to add new hotel and also able to modify and delete hotel. He used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT to achieve this layout and functionality.
So, we started on Monday evening and the deadline was off Sunday evening. So we divided the work among ourselves, someone was working on the navbar, one on the signup page, one on the footer, and others on their respective pages. One day before the deadline, we merged all the code and were successful in cloning the website.
We learned many new things about building websites, solved problems that came while we were working on the website, and merged our work on Github because it was a new platform for all of us, but once we started working, gradually we got a good hang of Github.
So, in all this has been a great experience for me and the team members.