Simple Workflow for a release architecture proven for a simple website app build.
Simple Application using:
- gCloud
- python 3
- flask & jinja2
- Bootstrap Simple test automation - webdriver tests (python, selenium), Puppeteer Tests.
- Google Analytics Tracking
- appEngine
- CI/CD integration/reporting/unit tests etc (no real reason to build on both travis and circle, more than seeing the differences).
- Jira Integration
- /visit/ - Collects/Displays visitor timestamps, just a simple datastore write example.
- /info/ - sample user contact form, commits comments to firestore/datastore, with confirmation and failure responses
- ?debug=true URL Query String wil reveal a test menu, in time there will be more hidden functions.
- Directory of helper files, some are unrelated examples that are for reference/working into something else.
- Image manipulation using gcloud's image framework, pulling from storage etc (tbd)
- Auto deploy on branch name
- Test output reporting
- GCloud notifications on new entity created
- Comments display API / View