1.6.0 (2017-01-09)
Bug Fixes
- ghCompatibleHeaderId: improve the number of removed chars (d499feb)
- IE8: fix for IE8 error on using isUndefined function (561dc5f), closes #280
- options: fix ghCompatibleHeaderId that was set as string instead of boolean (de7c37e)
- simpleLineBreaks: fix simpleLineBreaks option not working with non-ASCII chars and markdown delimiters (b1c458a), closes #318 #323
- CLI: add -q (quiet) and -m (mute) mode to CLI (f3b86f0)
- CLI:flavor: add flavor option to CLI (2d6cd1e)
- getFlavor: add getFlavor method to showdown and Converter (0eaf105)
- ghMentions: add support for github's @mentions (f2671c0), closes #51
CLI tool now uses the same option defaults as showdown main library. This mean
the default flavor is vanilla and ghCodeBlocks options is enabled by default.To update, add
to the command.