legacy is for the previous attempts at the database, and has little use except for documentation.
master is for complete --SAFE-- builds that the webhost will use.
develop is for... development builds, and has DEBUG = True and ALLOWED_HOSTS is empty for local use. This is the branch you should be working on, not the master branch. Once you feel like you can ship a new version, go to and set the above DEBUG = False and fill ALLOWED_HOSTS with whatever webhost name you decide on. Then merge with the master branch.
Make sure python3 and pip are installed.
In the command prompt (on Windows) run:
pip install Django
Running Server:
Open the command prompt in BTHSdb/bthsdb and run:
python runserver
This assumes python is a global command.
Django automatically detects changes to files so there's no need to ctrl+s every time you make a change in a local file.
Go to /admin for the admin control panel.
Go to /database for the database (user login required.)
- Django tutorial
- Django API
- BTHSDB API coming soon...
- Users
- Log in menu
- Equipment database
- Subjects
- Rooms
- Shelves
- Nullable:
- Take out time
- Take out user
- Change admin password(!)
- Make table columns sortable
- Better equipment details
- Better admin control panel
- User sign up system
- Redirect to /database/
- Upload to webhost (free hosting at heroku []?)