An ECS with vector and bitset backed components
- Easy to use ECS for smaller numbers of entities
- Avoid having to use runtime borrow checking in a lot of scenarios
#[derive(vec_ecs::World, Default)]
#[world(borrow = WorldNoPos)]
pub struct World {
handles: EntityHandleCounter,
#[world(not_in = WorldNoPos)]
pub pos: CompVec<Position>,
pub vel: CompVec<Velocity>,
pub flags: CompVec<Flag>,
The #[world(borrow = WorldNoPos)]
label generates a struct leaving out the field labelled by #[world(not_in = WorldNoPos)]
pub struct WorldNoPos<'a> {
pub vel: &'a mut CompVec<Velocity>,
pub flags: &'a mut CompVec<Flag>,
And allows:
let mut world = World::default();
// Add entities
// ...
let (pos, mut rest) = world.split_world_no_pos();
// pos: &'a mut CompVec<Position
// rest: WorldNoPos<'a>
Multiple fields can be split off by adding #[world(not_in = WorldNoPos)]
#[derive(vec_ecs::World, Default)]
#[world(borrow = WorldNoNothing)]
pub struct World {
handles: EntityHandleCounter,
pub pos: CompVec<Position>,
pub vel: CompVec<Velocity>,
#[world(not_in = WorldNoNothing)]
pub nothing: CompVec<()>,
pub excluded: CompVec<()>,
// init world, add entities
// ...
for (id, pos, vel, nothing) in CompIter::from((
// id: EntityHandle
// pos: &mut Position
// vel: &Position
// nothing: Option<&mut ()>
// will skip any entities with the `excluded` component
let (nothing, world_no_nothing) = world.split_world_no_nothing();
for (id, nothing) in nothing.iter_mut() {
// id: EntityHandle
// nothing: &mut ()
for (id2, pos, vel, excluded) in CompIter::from((
// id2: EntityHandle
// pos: &Position
// vel: &mut Position
// excluded: Option<&()>
#[entity(insert = World)]
#[entity(borrow = WorldNoPos)]
pub struct Player {
vel: Velocity,
flags: Flag,
The #[entity(insert = World)]
let e = Player {
vel: Velocity(10.0, 10.0),
flags: Flag(true),
let handle = world.insert(e);
The #[derive(vec_ecs::Entity)]
also generates the following "borrow" struct:
pub struct PlayerBorrow<'a> {
vel: &'a mut Velocity,
flags: &'a mut Flag,
Which allows
let e_borr: PlayerBorrow = world.borrow_entity(handle);
And the #[entity(borrow = WorldNoPos)]
let (pos, mut world_no_pos) = world.split_pos();
// pos: &'a mut CompVec<Position
// world_no_pos: WorldNoPos<'a>
let e_borr: PlayerBorrow = world_no_pos.borrow_entity(handle);
Note: all the fields in structs labeled with #[derive(vec_ecs::Entity)]
must have the same names and types as the fields in the struct in the #[entity(insert = ...)]
label and the structs in the #[entity(borrow = ...)]