Kindly View file to see the guidelines for hacktoberfest 2022 before contributing to this repository.
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and Twilio. Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community! Four quality pull requests must be submitted to public GitHub repositories. You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.
- C
- Absolute Number Finder
- Sum of odd numbers
- Factorial using recursion
- Finding power
- Separating digits
- Fibonacci Series without recursion
- C++
- Simple Calculator
- Queue
- Stack
- Tree
- Design Patterns
- Chain of Responsibility
- State
- Point distance
- Perfect Number Problem
- Array Sorting
- Binary Search
- Hashing
- C#
- ATM Software in N-Tier
- Palindrome Checker
- Fibonacci Series
- Number to Word Converter
- Design Patterns
- Adapter
- Facade
- Momento
- Strategy
- Frontend Projects
- Foodie
- Java
- Floyds Triangle Pattern
- Remove duplicate values form array
- Addition of integers in the strings
- Hollow Rectangle Pattern
- JavaScript
- Adding two numbers
- Date and Time
- Multiplication
- Swapping two numbers
- String Palindrome
- Factorial of a number
- Todo List
- Cube Square Number
- Password visibility
- Swapping two numbers without using third variable
- Printing arrays wthout using loops
- React JS
- Student Enrollment
- Affirmations App
- Python
- Design Patterns
- Builder
- Proxy
- Word Processor
- Attendance Automation
- Binary 5
- Calculator
- Complex Numbers
- Counter List
- Dictionary to JSON
- Email Validator
- Factorial
- Fibonacci
- Hello World
- HTML Validator
- IA Implementation
- Mailer
- Matrix Symmetric
- Palindrome
- Proper Case
- Symmetric Matrix
- Tick Tac Toe
- WhatsApp Automation
- Armstrong Number Program
- Blockchain program to show concept of crypto(hashes)
- Vending Machine
- Design Patterns