Nykaa is an Indian e-commerce Mumbai-based retail seller of beauty, fashion and wellness products. The ecommerce startup lists products from over 1200 global brands along with its own line of products Nykaa Cosmetics and Nykaa Naturals.It sells beauty,wellness and fashion product across website,mobile apps and 76 offline store.
In this project we have tried to make a look alike clone of Nykaa. With our efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned so far in the masai school.
Deployed Link:-https://nykaa-team.netlify.app/
- JavaScript (LocalStorage, DOM)
Fully Responsive Landing Page
2.This is the Sign-Up & Sign-In of the clone website. click on the Enter Your Email to sign up.
5.In the product page we see various products on the basis of popularity and also user can sort the products on the basis of their prices and there is options to add products in cart and if we click on particular product, the user will navigate to the product detail page.
8.User can see all those products that he added to the bag and also user can apply the coupon code to get the discount. After clicking on proceed user will navigate to address page.
9.Here user will get address which he added at the first time on the profile page and user can also edit their saved address. And also on the right side user can get the cart products and total price of the products.After clicking on ship to address button user redirected to payment page. Here user will get the different options for payment.
11.After successful payment user will get notified thank message.