This repo contains automation scripts for iOS sample apps developed by playback apps team
How to check out
- Go your local folder where you want to check out the files
- Perform this command if you are checking out for the first time git clone
- If you have already cloned the repo before, checkout the branch you need to work and do git pull to get the latest command.
How to run
Run from IDE Info will be added soon
Run from command line
- Start Appium. Show simulator log on console. appium --show-sim-log
If encountered Error related to ideviceinstaller, run below command brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller
// Before running the iOS SDK Automation please follow these guidelines.
- Folder Structure:---
a. Create one folder With the iOS name and under this folder take clone of iOS Appium from this repo:- "git clone" b. Now in iOS folder create one more folder with the name of repo and under this repo take clone from - "git clone"
//below step is obsolete //2. Prerequisites // a. Install follwing libraried before running the code:- // i. ios-deploy -->> // ii. libimobiledevice -- >> , (This library has been added in maven dependency now no need to install manually.)
- how to run iOS Automation a. Move to iOS-automation folder and run this following command :- mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="Enter XML file which you want "
Info will be added soon