PluginCiscoACI This repository hosts the code for HPE ACI Plugin
This makes it easier to stand up aci-plugin. You do with a simple "make all" and you will get a aci-plugin container running with a port open on 45003
To be able to install with docker you need:
- docker-ce
- docker-ce-cli
- docker-compose
- golang-docker-credential-helpers
- python-docker
- python-dockerpty
- python-dockerpycreds
Build Containers This will create all the docker images
$ make build-containers
Stand up Containers This will bring up all containers, which includes fetching all online images
$ make standup-containers
Bring down Containers This will just be like docker-compose down, which removes all containers but keeps the images
$ make down-containers
Make All Will build all images and bring up the continaers
$ make all
Clean everything up except the dependency image
$ make clean
**Clean everything up including the dependency image & log files**
$ make deepclean