- It is a Maven project
- TestNG is used as Test Framework
- Excel sheet is used to handle the test data
- Page Object Model design pattern is used along with PageFactory class
- Execution video is present in the 'ExecutionVideo'
- All the driver related methods are handled in 'infra' package
- All page classes are defined in 'pageObjects' package
- All the utilities are present in 'utility' package
- All the project dependencies are defined in pom.xml file
- Test classes are present in 'testSuite' package
- Make sure Appium server is turned on before triggering the tests
- On 'testng.xml' file, update the udid, platformVersion according to the device on which tests are to be run
- Run 'testng.xml' in order to trigger the tests.
- Faced issues while installing the .apk on the emulator. So prefer to run the tests on any real device.