is the internal network
- Initialize the control-plane node
is just the example
./k3sAndProviderServices.sh -d traefik -s provider.h100.sdg.val.akash.pub -g -n 172.18.
If a node has a separate ephemeral storage directory, make sure to specify the -o and -k switches followed by the location.
ephemeral storage location: /data/
./k3sAndProviderServices.sh -d traefik -s provider.h100.sdg.val.akash.pub -g -n 172.18. -o /data/k3s -k /data/kubelet
IMPORTANT: Note down the line K3s control-plane and worker node token:
as it'll contain the token you'll need to join further nodes.
If you forget to save this info, you can always get it by running cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token
- Join the 2nd and 3rd control-pane nodes
IMPORTANT: Make sure to have at least 3 control-plane nodes. If you only have two, then it means you only have two etcd (embedded into k3s) Kubernetes databases. When less than half are down, etcd won't work.
is the internal IP of the first control-plane node
echo -n "Enter K3s control-plane and worker node token: "
read -s TOKEN
./k3sAndProviderServices.sh -s provider.h100.sdg.val.akash.pub -m -c $TOKEN -g -n 172.18.
Again, if the ephemeral storage location is not at the default value, specify it using the -k and -o switches. Example:
./k3sAndProviderServices.sh -s provider.h100.sdg.val.akash.pub -m -c $TOKEN -g -n 172.18. -o /data/k3s -k /data/kubelet
- Join the worker nodes
./workerNode.sh -m -t ${TOKEN} -g
If the ephemeral storage location is not at the default value, specify it using the -k and -o switches.
./workerNode.sh -m -t ${TOKEN} -g -o /data/k3s -k /data/kubelet
NODE UPGRADE: Please do not use the upgradeNode.sh at this point, it is a work in progress.