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Shiftypanda edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the fatigue-performance wiki!

This project aims to help capture data on fatigue and performance as part of a research project.

It's split into multiple smaller apps to make debugging easier and show the overall framework.

Server backend all based upon Django 2.0.2 (and subsequent updates)

Overall framework of smaller apps:-

  1. ai - for customizing responses based upon machine learning systems Status - development not yet started

  2. analysis - analysing data using python libraries Status - development not yet started

  3. cogtests - collection of cognitive testing Status - Collecting tests

  4. participant - management area for participants to access their data Status - Under development

  5. prompt - system for prompting user to answer tests or other systems, to link with ai system in production Status - development not yet started

  6. question - system for delivering basic questions and gathering responses Status - Under development

  7. Rota - tracking system for rota used by participants, allowing defined shift patterns, rota patterns and acutal shift start and finish times Status - under development

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