1.1 Ubuntu and ROS Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 or 18.04. ROS Kinetic or Melodic. ROS Installation
1.2 Ceres Solver
sudo apt-get install libceres-dev
1.3 Geographic Lib
sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev
1.4 Build
cd ..
catkin build
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
1.1 You can change the topic through global_fusion.launch file
<remap from="/VIO_TOPIC" to="/vins_estimator/odometry" />
<remap from="/GPS_TOPIC" to="/gps" />
VIO_Odometry: /VIO_TOPIC Topic Format: nav_msgs/Odometry
Link: http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html
GPS_Odometry: /GPS_TOPIC Topic Format: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
Link: http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/NavSatFix.html
1.2 You can change the VIO odometry's covariance through following line. GPS' covariance is depended by GPS's ros message.
<param name = "vio_trans_cov" type="double" value = "0.1"/>
<param name = "vio_rotation_cov" type="double" value = "0.01"/>
roslaunch gps_visual_odometry global_fusion.launch
rosbag play 2020-04-21-00-24-44.bag
The link for test data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Zw4d80cI9uji_f8fyyLxhBRHsLWDgh7y
【1】Qin, Tong, et al. "A general optimization-based framework for local odometry estimation with multiple sensors." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03638 (2019).