- a composite render engine for express apps to render both plain react views and react-router views on server
- enables server rendered views to be client mountable
npm install react-engine --save
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// create the view engine with `react-engine`
var engine = require('react-engine').server.create({
reactRoutes: <string> /* pass in the path to react-router routes optionally */
performanceCollector: <function> /* optional function to collect perf stats */
// set the engine
app.engine('.jsx', engine);
// set the view directory
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
// set jsx as the view engine
// Without this you would need to
// supply the extension to res.render()
// ex: res.render('index.jsx').
app.set('view engine', 'jsx');
// finally, set the custom view
app.set('view', require('react-engine/lib/expressView'));
Configuration (if you prefer KrakenJS - http://krakenjs.com)
"express": {
"view engine": "jsx",
"view": "require:react-engine/lib/expressView",
"view engines": {
"jsx": {
"module": "react-engine/lib/server",
"renderer": {
"method": "create",
"arguments": [{
"reactRoutes": "path:<PATH_TO_REACT-ROUTER_ROUTES>",
"performanceCollector": "require:<PATH_TO_PERF_COLLECTOR_FUNCTION>"
var data = {}; // your data model
// for normal view rendering
res.render(viewName, data);
// for react-router rendering
// pass in the `url` and react-engine
// will run the react-router behind the scenes.
res.render(req.url, data);
// assuming we use `browserify`
var client = require('react-engine').client;
// boot options
var options = {
// supply a function that can be called to resolve the file that was rendered
viewResolver: function(viewName) {
return <THE RESOLVED VIEW>; //Example: return require('./views/' + viewName);
// finally, boot whenever you are ready
// example:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function onLoad() {
// `onBoot` - Function (optional)
// returns data that was used
// during rendering as the first argument
client.boot(options, function onBoot(data) {
// if the data is needed before booting on
// client, call `data` function anytime to get it.
// example:
var data = client.data();
Pass in a function to the performanceCollector
property to collect the stats
object for every render.
The object that contains the stats info for each render by react-engine. It has the below properties.
- Name of the template or the url in case of react router rendering.startTime
- The start time of render.endTime
- The completion time of render.duration
- The duration taken to render (in milliseconds).
// example
function collector(stats) {
var engine = require('react-engine').server.create({
reactRoutes: './routes.jsx'
performanceCollector: collector
- On the client side, the state is exposed on the window object's property
- In development mode, views are automatically reloaded before render. So there is no need to restart the server for seeing the changes.
- You can use
as the engine if you decide not to write your react views injsx
. - Blog on react-engine