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sheikhlimon Dotfiles

Arch Linux & bspwm dotfiles!

Information · Installation · Keybindings · SideNote




Detailed information and dependencies


Icons: Feather
Interface Font: Open sans
Monospace Font: Roboto mono
Polybar Font: Iosevka nerd font


Base: alsa-utils base-devel git pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa xorg

Required: lightdm bspwm xfce4-terminal alacritty htop visual-studio-code dunst feh firefox libnotify mpv nemo neofetch neovim papirus-icon-theme picom polybar ranger rofi maim scrot slop xclip zathura zsh viewnior lxapperance pavucontrol discord geany zoom xdotool xdg-user-dirs sxhkd gpick

Emoji: fonts: noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono nerd-fonts-hack adobe-source-code-pro-fonts

Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone
  2. Install an AUR helper (for example, paru in "$HOME"/.srcs).

    git clone "$HOME/.scrs/paru"
    cd "$HOME"/.srcs/paru/ && makepkg -si
  3. Install dependencies.

    paru -S --needed xfce4-terminal alacritty htop visual-studio-code dunst feh firefox libnotify mpv nemo neofetch neovim papirus-icon-theme picom polybar ranger rofi maim scrot slop xclip zathura zsh viewnior lxapperance pavucontrol discord geany zoom xdotool xdg-user-dirs sxhkd gpick nordic-darker-theme bat unimatrix
  4. Create default directories.

    mkdir -p "$HOME"/.config
    mkdir -p  /usr/local/bin
    mkdir -p  /usr/share/themes
  5. Copy configs, scripts, fonts, set gtk theme, zsh config.

    cp -r ~/dotfiles/.config/* "$HOME"/.config
    sudo cp -r ~/dotfiles/scripts/* /usr/local/bin
    sudo cp -r ~/dotfiles/fonts/* /usr/share/fonts
    cp -r ~/dotfiles/.zshrc "$HOME"
    cp -r ~/dotfiles/.zshrc-personal "$HOME"
    cp -r ~/dotfiles/.gitconfig "$HOME"
  6. set zsh as default shell, refresh font cache.

    chsh -s /bin/zsh
    sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
    fc-cache -fv
  7. set oh-my-zsh

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
    git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
  8. set nvim

    rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
    git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
    ln -s ~/.config/nvchad/custom ~/.config/nvim/lua/


Keybind Function
Ctrl + Shft + Q Log Out Session
Ctrl + Shft + R Reload Current Session
Super + [1..4] Switches to Workspace 1 to 4
Super + Shft + [1..4] Move Apps/Windows to Workspace 1 to 4
Super + X Launch Powermenu
Super + Enter Launch Terminal (xfce4-terminal)
Super + C Close/Kill Window
Super + M Launch rofi
Super + Shft + W Launch Firefox
Super + Shft + F Launch Nemo
Super + Shft + R Ranger Quick Launch
PrtSc Screenshot
Ctrl + PtrSc Screenshot Active Window
Ctrl + Alt + PrtSc Screenshot Selected Area


Mostly riced for Desktop. Feel free to create issue or pull request.
If you need any help, you can contact me.

Distributed under the GPLv3+ License.
Copyright (C) 2022 sheikhlimon.


Keyitdev took some stuffs from this guy
siduck the awesome nvchad
r/unixporn where I found them and many more for inspirations