#Introduction This module converts a number from any positon based number system into any other number system. A system is defined by a string with an ascending order of characters that represent the digits, thus making it possible to convert to and from made-up or custom number systems. ##Installation On your prompt type
npm install basen
The module takes three strings as arguments: the first containing the string of the number you want to convert, the second being a string with all the characters set of the number's base and the third, all the character's set of the base you want to concert to.
###Conversion from decimal to binary
baseToBase("12", "0123456789", "01")
will convert the decimal based number 12 into the binary system. ###Conversion from base to base For example,
baseToBase("0123456", "sdf234nkjsergs", "2361")
will convert 2361 (in 7-based system) to this 14-based system.` ###Commonly used number systems Instad of typing the whole character set, there are provided shortcuts for the most commonly used bases, that can be passed as arguments:
- bin,
- oct,
- dec,
- hex,
- b84
These bases are provided from bases.json and can be used as following:
baseToBase(bases.bin, bases.hex, "1010101")
This command will convert the binary number to hexadecimal. ##Authors
- Jan Bölsche
- Julia Friesel
- Leonor Oliveira
##License Please check the package.json file.