Steps to run:
$ cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_9
Go to src directory
Clone the Fit_diPhotonTools repo
[... src]$ git clone
Move the contents of the directory Fit_diPhotonTools to the src directory
[... src]$ mv Fit_diPhotonTools/* ./
Build using scram
Go to diphotons/Analysis/macros/
Here you will see two directories. 2017_2HDMa_EOY and 2018_2HDMa_EOY.
2017_2HDMa_EOY contains the 2018 analysis with the old MET binning viz. LowMET (50-130) and HighMET (>130).
2018_2HDMa_EOY contains the 2018 analysis with the current MET binning viz. LowMET (50-100) and HighMET (100-130).
For working with the old MET binning go to the directory 2017_2HDMa_EOY. You will find 3 directories here: a) LowMET b) HighMET c) Combined_LowMET_HighMET
Go to the directory LowMET
In order to avoid confusion please delete these existing directories and files.
a) directory: ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130_cic_default_shapes_lumi_59.69
b) files: i) ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130_cic_final_ws_MonoHgg.log
ii) ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130_cic_final_ws_MonoHgg.root
iii) bands_met0.root
iv) bands_met130.root
v) limits_2HDMa_ma1502HDMa.pdf/.png/.root
Now run these commands: (NOTE: Before running each .sh script please change the paths appropriately)
[... LowMET]$ ./ "ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130" --lumi 59.69 --fit-name cic --mc-file Output_MC.root --fit-background --redo-input 1
[... LowMET]$ ./ "ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130_cic_default_shapes_lumi_59.69" --hadd --model 2HDMa -C 0.95 -M AsymptoticLimits --run both
[... LowMET]$ ./ "ntuples4fit_pho_newSig_test_met50_met130_cic_default_shapes_lumi_59.69"