Dockerfile to build a redis container image which can be linked to other containers.
Pull the latest version of the image from the docker index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update image in the future. These builds are performed by the Docker Trusted Build service.
docker pull sameersbn/redis:latest
Alternately you can build the image yourself.
git clone
cd docker-redis
docker build -t="$USER/redis" .
Run the redis image
docker run -name redis -d sameersbn/redis:latest
To test if the redis server is configured properly, try connecting to the server.
redis-cli -h $(docker inspect --format {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} redis)
You should mount a volume at /var/lib/redis.
mkdir -p /opt/redis
docker run -name redis -d \
-v /opt/redis:/var/lib/redis sameersbn/redis:latest
This will make sure that the data stored in the database is not lost when the image is stopped and started again.
To upgrade to newer releases, simply follow this 3 step upgrade procedure.
- Step 1: Stop the currently running image
docker stop redis
- Step 2: Update the docker image.
docker pull sameersbn/redis:latest
- Step 3: Start the image
docker run -name redis -d [OPTIONS] sameersbn/redis:latest