sNiFTer is an information platform, with the goal to decrease the learning curve, increase engagement, and provide reliable, actionable information for the NFT space. sNiFTer aims to tackle this challenge on 3 fronts; insights and tracking into the performance of and engagement with an NFT entity, interactive educational resources on NFT and BlockChain technology, and interaction between users in a social manner for community engagement.
In order to build this project you first have to install:
macOS: Ensure that you have Brew installed by running the following terminal command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once Brew is installed, run the following command for Node.js and NPM package manager:
brew install node
With NPM installed, run the following command for Vue.js:
npm install vue
Install AWS Amplify CLI globally.
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
Setup the Amplify CLI.
amplify configure
Install Amplify libraries.
npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-components
Ensure that all dependencies are downloaded with the following command:
npm install --save
Get setup with our Amplify environment (requires adminstrator (Shayon) to first provide access through email)
amplify pull --appId d22d1odtojlp9e --envName stephendev
Run the Vue app.
npm run serve --open
Deploy and host a static web app through the Amplify CLI.
amplify add hosting
Choose the manual deployment option.
? Select the plugin module to execute: # Hosting with Amplify Console (Managed hosting with custom domains, Continuous deployment)
? Choose a type: # Manual Deployment
Run the following command to publish the app.
amplify publish
Our project uses the Jest testing framework for unit tests and Cypress for behavior tests.
To unit test the Vue app, use the command:
npm test
To run cypress for the behavior tests, ensure that the project is running with:
npm run serve
Then Cypress can be run with the following command:
npx cypress open
Once there, click the desired test in the sNiFTer folder to run cypress.
Tests are located in both the ./cypress folder for behavior tests and ./unit-tests folder for unit tests
Name, Email
Shayon Ghoshroy | [email protected]
Stephen Baione | [email protected]
Matthew Graham | [email protected]
Charlie Coffin | [email protected]
Evan Owre | [email protected]