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Welcome to the Xploit wiki!
Xploit opensource framework wiki written by @alvarodh5
Commands available in v4.0.30319 version
Help: Displays a help text for the specified command, or displays a list of all available commands.
- Help command
Back: Un-use the current module
- cd /
- cd.. /
- back
Banner: Show a beautiful xploit banner
- banner
- ban (alias)
Beep: Make a beep
- beep
- be (alias)
Check: Check the current module
- check
- ch (alias)
use Auxiliary/Multi/SSH/PortForwarding
Module(PortForwarding)> check
[*] Its required to set the property Password (use set Password )
Clear: Clear console
- clear
- cls (alias)
- cle (alias)
Echo: Print the input
- echo
- ec (alias)
echo This is Xploit!
[*] This is Xploit!
Exit: Exit xploit framework.
- exit
- quit (alias)
Exploit: Run the current module
- exploit
- exp (alias)
- run
- rexploit
- rex (alias)
- rerun
- rer (alias)
Gset: Set a global variable for the current module and the next call to this module
- gset [variable] [value]
- g [variable] [value]
Help: Displays a help text for the specified command, or displays a list of all available commands.
- help
- man
- h (alias)
- m (alias)
- help [command]
- man [command]
help echo
echo [input] Print the input
Ifcheck: Check the module, and if works, then run the command
- ifcheck [command]
- ifc (alias)
Ifnocheck: Check the module, and if not works, then run the command
- ifnocheck [command]
- ifnoc (alias)
Ifrun: Run the module, and if works, then run the command
- ifrun [command]
- ifr (alias)
Ifnorun: Run the module, and if not works, then run the command
- ifnorun [command]
- ifnor (alias)
Info: Show info of the current module
- info
- in (alias)
Path Auxiliary/Multi/SSH Name PortForwarding Author Fernando Díaz Toledano Description Port Forwarding from SSH machine
Jobs: List all current jobs
- jobs
- j (alias)
Kill: Kill the selected job
- kill [job]
- k (alias)
Load: Load all modules from selected file
- load [file]
- l (alias)
Play: Run the commands stored in a file
- play [file]
- p (alias)
Rcheck: Reload the current module and check them
- rcheck
- rc (alias)
Record: Start/Stop recording the input to a file
- record [options]
- rec (alias)
- stop Stop the current record
- [path] Start a record in this path
- record C:\myrecords\xploit.txt
- record stop
Reload: Reload the current module with the global variables
- reload
- rel (alias)
Search: Search a module in the loaded modules
- search
- sea (alias)
- search port
Auxiliary/Multi/SSH/PortForwarding Auxiliary/Local/Server/SocksPortForwarding
Set: Set a variable for the current module
- set
set [variable] [value]
Show: Show available information for the current module.
- config/options --> Displays the config for current module
- info --> Display info of the current module
- payloads --> Display available payloads for the current module
- targets --> Display available targets for the current module
Use: Use a XPloit module
- use [module]
- u (alias)
Version: Displays the current version of Xploit framework
- version
- v (alias)
Xploits available in v4.0.30319 version
Complete list of all Auxiliaries modules:
- Auxiliary/Local/DatabaseQuery
Execute a query in a Database
- Auxiliary/Local/DetectTorExitNode
Check if a IP its a Tor exit node
- Auxiliary/Local/Exfiltration/DnsExfiltrate
DNS-Exfiltration send
- Auxiliary/Local/Exfiltration/DnsExfiltrateParser
DNS-Exfiltration file parser
- Auxiliary/Local/FileToHex
Create a Hex string from file
- Auxiliary/Local/Fuzzing/PatternCreate
Generate pattern string for exploit development
- Auxiliary/Local/Fuzzing/PatternSearch
Search pattern string for exploit development
- Auxiliary/Local/Fuzzing/StreamFuzzer
Generic Fuzzer
- Auxiliary/Local/NFC/MifareRestoreClone
Mifare Restore clone (dont touch Trailing blocks)
- Auxiliary/Local/NFC/MifareSetId
Mifare Id Setter. Require a valid card
- Auxiliary/Local/ProcessKill
Kill a process in local machine
- Auxiliary/Local/ProcessMemoryDump
Do a memory dump for the selected Process
- Auxiliary/Local/ProcessRun
Execute a system command in local machine
- Auxiliary/Local/RSync
Remote sync for folder
- Auxiliary/Local/Server/DnsServer
DNS Server
- Auxiliary/Local/Server/SocksPortForwarding
Invisible socks port forwarding
- Auxiliary/Local/Sniffer
Local Sniffer
- Auxiliary/Local/Steganography/SteganographyImage
Steganography by Image generator/parser (in PNG) Have two modes:
- Write: Destroy original message file - Read : Read the image and write the secret file in LocalFileWrite
- Auxiliary/Local/TestPayload
NFC Restore system
- Auxiliary/Local/Tor
Tor Process
- Auxiliary/Local/Windows/BinaryFromScreen
Binary from screen
- Auxiliary/Local/Windows/KeyDown
Key down a textfile
- Auxiliary/Local/Windows/WMIManager
WMI call
- Auxiliary/Local/WordListBruteForce
Local Brute force by wordlist
- Auxiliary/Local/WordListGenerator
Generate a wordList
- Auxiliary/Multi/SSH/DownloadFile
Get a binay from SSH machine
- Auxiliary/Multi/SSH/FastExecution
Execute SSH stream to exe machine
- Auxiliary/Multi/SSH/PortForwarding
Port Forwarding from SSH machine
Complete list of all exploits:
- Exploits/Multi/Netcat/PrintFormat
Get a binay from SSH machine
- Exploits/Multi/VulnServer
VulnServer exploit
Complete list of all payloads:
- Payloads/Local/BruteForce/BruteForceBitLockerAPI
Crack Bitlocker drive calling windows API
- Payloads/Local/BruteForce/BruteForceBi
Crack Bitlocker drive
- Payloads/Local/BruteForce/BruteForceMySQLWireshark
Crack MySql sniffed with WireShark Credentials
- Payloads/Local/BruteForce/NFC/BruteForceNFCMifare
Mifare bruteforce
- Payloads/Local/Fuzzing/TcpSocketFuzzer
Send fuzzer by TCP Socket
- Payloads/Local/RSync/Ftp
Ftp rsync
- Payloads/Local/RSync/LocalPath
Sync local path
- Payloads/Local/Sniffer/DeepScan
Sniffer insecure protocols passwords
- Payloads/Local/Sniffer/DumpToFolder
Sniffer to folder
- Payloads/Local/Sniffer/TcpPacketInjection
Tcp Packet Injection
- Payloads/Local/Windows/WMI/Action/ExecuteProcess
Execute a process in WMI
- Payloads/Local/Windows/WMI/Query/Auto
Execute a default query in WMI
- Payloads/Local/Windows/WMI/Query/Manual
Execute a default query in WMI
- Payloads/Multi/Windows/x86/PayloadX86WindowsMessageBox
Show MessageBox