Clojure implementation of the WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol, for HTTP Kit servers.
Warning: Signature in flux, beta testing. Check back soon for a 1.0.0 release
Visit for live demos and additional information. See clj-wamp-example for an example project and source code.
For information on HTTP Kit, a Ring-compatible HTTP server for Clojure, visit
For information on the WAMP specification, visit
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[clj-wamp "0.6.0"]
Add clj-wamp's http-kit-handler
to http-kit's with-channel
(ns clj-wamp-example
(:require [org.httpkit.server :as http-kit]
[clj-wamp.server :as wamp]))
; Topic URIs
(defn rpc-url [path] (str "http://clj-wamp-example/api#" path))
(defn evt-url [path] (str "http://clj-wamp-example/event#" path))
(defn wamp-websocket-handler
"Returns a http-kit websocket handler with wamp subprotocol"
(http-kit/with-channel req channel
(if-not (:websocket? req)
(http-kit/close channel)
(wamp/http-kit-handler channel
{:on-open on-open-fn ; (fn [sess-id] ...)
:on-close on-close-fn ; (fn [sess-id status] ...)
:on-call {(rpc-url "add") + ; map topic to RPC fn call
(rpc-url "echo") identity
:on-before on-before-call-fn ; broker incoming params or
; return false to restrict rpc access
:on-after-error on-after-call-error-fn
:on-after-success on-after-call-success-fn}
:on-subscribe {(evt-url "chat") chat-subscribe? ; allowed to subscribe? (fn [sess-id topic] ...)
(evt-url "prefix*") true ; match topics by prefix
(evt-url "sub-only") true ; implicitly allowed
(evt-url "pub-only") false ; subscription is denied
:on-after on-subscribe-fn};
:on-publish {(evt-url "chat") chat-broker-fn ; custom event broker
; (fn [sess-id topic event exclude eligible] ...)
(evt-url "prefix*") true ; pass events through as-is
(evt-url "sub-only") false ; publishing is denied
(evt-url "pub-only") true
:on-after on-publish-fn}
:on-unsubscribe on-unsubscribe-fn}))))
(http-kit/run-server wamp-websocket-handler {:port 8080})
Copyright © 2013 Christopher Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.