Description JavaScript Configuration file(.ini) content parser, similar to python ConfigParser without I/O operations. Only one JavaScript file without any other dependencies. Compatible with NodeJS, TypeScript and Browsers.
Author Erxin(Edwin) Shang
- Git repo:https://github.com/shangerxin/config-ini
- Author homepage: http://www.shangerxin.com
- Version, 1.6.1
$ npm install config-ini-parser
$ bower install config-ini
- If there is no section supplied for the options then a default section will be created
- More about ini format could be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file
- For node
var ConfigIniParser = require("config-ini-parser").ConfigIniParser;
parser = new ConfigIniParser(); //Use default delimiter
var value = parser.get("section", "option");
var ConfigIniParser = require("config-ini-parser").ConfigIniParser;
var delimiter = "\r\n"; //or "\n" for *nux
parser = new ConfigIniParser(delimiter); //If don't assign the parameter delimiter then the default value \n will be used
var value = parser.get("section", "option");
value = parser.get(null, "option"); //access the default section
value = parser.getOptionFromDefaultSection("option"); //access the default section
parser.stringify('\n'); //get all the ini file content as a string
- For browser, add config-ini.js to html pages
var ConfigIniParser = require("config-ini-parser").ConfigIniParser;
parser = new ConfigIniParser(); //Use default delimiter
var value = parser.get("section", "option");
var delimiter = "\r\n"; //or "\n" for *nux. by default it will use \n
parser = new ConfigIniParser(delimiter); //If don't assign the parameter delimiter then the default value \n will be used
var value = parser.get("section", "option");
value = parser.get(null, "option"); //access the default section
value = parser.getOptionFromDefaultSection("option"); //access the default section
- Reference the config-ini.d.ts file in a typescript file
///<reference path="..\\node_modules\\config-ini-parser\\config-ini.d.ts"/>
const ConfigIniParser = require("config-ini-parser").ConfigIniParser;
//or with import statements
//import { ConfigIniParser } from "config-ini-parser";
let p = new ConfigIniParser();
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e == ConfigIniParser.Errors.ErrorDuplicateSectionError) {
console.error("Duplicated section");
//create a new config ini parser instance, if the delimiter is ignore then '\n' will be used
//return parser itself
//return the option value
.get(sectionName, optionName[, defaultValue]) ;
//return the option value from default section
.getOptionFromDefaultSection(optionName[, defaultValue]);
//return option value and convert to boolean
.getBoolean(sectionName, optionName);
//return option value and convert to boolean from the default section
//return option value and converted to number
.getNumber(sectionName, optionName);
//return value and converted to number from default section
//return boolean
//return boolean
.isHaveOption(sectionName, optionName);
//return boolean
//return all the items in the specify section as [[optionName, optionValue]]
//return all the option names under a specify section into an array
//parse a ini content
//remove a specify option from the section if it exist and successful removed then return true, if not exist then return false
.removeOption(sectionName, optionName);
//remove a specify option from the default section if it exist and successful removed then return true, if not exist then return false
//remove a specify section if it exist and successful removed then return true, if not exist then return false
//return all the section names into an array
//set the value of the option in a given section, if the option is not exist then it will be added, if the section is not exist then exception will be raise
.set(sectionName, optionName, value);
//set the option to the given value in the default section. if the option is not exit then it will be added.
.setOptionInDefaultSection(optionName, value);
//convert back the configuration content into delimiter separated string, if delimiter is
//ignore then '\n' will be used
Defined several kinds of built-in error types