Sublime Text package for d3.js
Just some handy snippets. And I don't really know what I'm doing with subl packages.
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
$ git clone
.attr ⇥ An attribute setter.
.style ⇥ A style setter.
fd ⇥ An anonymous function with a data var. For use inside attr or style setters.
fdi ⇥ An anonymous function with d and i vars. For use inside attr or style setters.
fn ⇥ An anonymous function
join ⇥ A data join
margin ⇥ Bostock's margin convention for charts.
scale ⇥
- projection ⇥
- albersusa ⇥
- mercator ⇥
- path ⇥