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HowTo: Reusing Admin Area

Andrew vonderLuft edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 1 revision


Before we start, make sure you're familiar with how Rails Engines can be modified. Please take 2 minutes to read this:

If you wish, you can re-use ComfortableMediaSurfer's admin area for things you need to administer in your application. To do this, first you will need to make your admin controllers to inherit from Admin::Cms::BaseController. This way, your admin views will be using ComfortableMediaSurfer's admin layout and it's basic HttpAuth.

class Admin::CategoriesController < Comfy::Admin::Cms::BaseController
  # your code goes here

Adding custom JS/CSS to the admin area

After installing CMS you should be able to find /app/assets/javascripts/comfy/admin/cms/custom.js and /app/assets/stylesheets/comfy/admin/cms/custom.sass in your app. Anything you put in there will be available in all admin views.

Scaffold Generator

Easiest way to generate your admin CRUD interface is to run rails g comfy:scaffold. Works pretty much the same way as a standard Rails scaffold generator. For example let's generate admin area for Locations. Simply run something like this:

rails g comfy:scaffold Location name:string distance:integer

After running it you should get:

  • db/migrate/create_locations.rb migration file. Don't forget your indexes.
  • app/models/location.rb model file
  • test/fixtures/locations.yml test fixture file
  • test/models/location_test.rb actual tests for Location. Has a assert_errors_on helper call. Replace with what works for you.
  • app/controllers/admin/locations_controller.rb admin controller
  • test/controllers/admin/locations_controller_test.rb tests for the admin controller.
  • app/views/admin/locations/ with all the views
  • routes.rb will be updated, but you want to put new route in a proper spot.
  • app/views/comfy/admin/cms/partials/_navigation_inner.html.haml will be updated/created to add link to the side nav

Changing Views

You can outright modify any view from your application by creating same file with a matching path. However there are a pile of partials that can be used to inject bits of html all over the place. To see what's available change config.reveal_cms_partials to true and restart application.

Changing Models/Controllers

If you need to do some serious hacking I recommend forking entire project. You can always do monkey-patching or file overwrites from your application.