Simple SentiWordNet 3.0 based tool for sentimental analysis. It is inspired from
Sentences are tokenized, tokens are assigned a numerical score provided by SentiWordNet 3.0. The total score is then used to determine the overall sentiment.
For example, If a sentence has a score of 0, it is deemed "neutral".
- Very positive scores are > 0.75
- Positive scores are > 0.25 & <= 0.75
- Weak positive scores are > 0 & <= 0.25
- Weak negative scores are < 0 & >= -0.25
- Negative scores are < -0.25 & >= -0.75
- Very negative scores are < -0.75
gem install sentiwordnet_ruby
# Load the default sentiment dictionaries
# And/or load your own SentiWordNet dictionaries
# Note:- Please remove the lines starting with '#' before loading a dictionary
# Create an instance for usage:
analyzer =
analyzer.get_sentiment "I love sentiwordnet"
#=> "very_positive"
analyzer.get_sentiment 'I like sentiwordnet'
#=> "positive"
# Get the numerical score of a string:
analyzer.get_score 'I love sentiwordnet'
#=> 0.9841496598639456
SentiWordNet lexical resource for opinion mining
Gem functionality inspired from Seventh Compass, Inc.'s gem: