An automation script for the game Poser
Put Poser_Automator.html in your Poser folder with the Slides folder
Double click Poser_Automator.html to open it in your browser
Space Bar: Puts the program into fullscreen or progresses to the next slide if already in fullscreen
S Key: Show the "theShowoff.jpg" slide
T Key: Show the "titleSlide.jpg" slide
A or P Key: Show the "allPoses.jpg" slide
L Key: Enable or Disable lightning round (enabled shows the "lightningRound.jpg" slide, disabled shows the "allPoses.jpg" slide)
Number Keys (1 through 8): Show each pose in order (Not yet impemented)
Note: If using multiple monitors on windows you can move a window to a different monitor using + Shift + (Left or Right) Arrow Keys
- Write the script
- Test the script
- Add folder image
- Finish writing
- Bug Fix: Don't move to the next slide if changing to fullscreen
- Sanity Check: Check to make sure that the Slides folder and it's files actually exist
- Feature: Add the ability to loop through all the poses in order