Commenter is a Sublime Text 2 package that allows you to create bookmarks with comments, which is useful when auditing source code.
It handles bookmarks per working directory. - It is NOT meant to be used with single files -
- You open a folder in ST2, which contains the source code you are about to audit
- Open files within that folder and press (Cmd + Ctrl + m) to create bookmarks
A separete bookmark database will be created for each "Folder" you have open via "File"->"Open...", when you create your first bookmark, in the directory specified in Commenter.sublime-settings
Go to your Packages subdirectory under ST2's data directory:
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2
- OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2
- Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2
- Portable Installation: Sublime Text 2/Data
And clone the repo:
git clone git://
Open Commenter.sublime-settings and customize the setting as you want.
"debug" : false,
"bookmarks_folder" : "/Users/shadown/.subl_commenter",
"bookmarks_prefix" : "",
"bookmarks_postfix" : "_comments",
"bookmarks_ext" : "db"
Be sure to set "bookmarks_folder" to the directory you want to store the bookmark-database files.
"debug": set it to "true" if you want to see some debug messages in the console embedded in ST2.
"bookmarks_folder": complete path to the folder where you want to create the bookmarks-database files.
"bookmarks_prefix": prefix you want to add to the bookmark-database filename.
"bookmarks_postfix": postfix you want to add to the bookmark-database filename.
"bookmarks_ext": extension you want your database to use.
(Cmd + Ctrl + m) and enter your comment.
(Cmd + Ctrl + b) select the bookmart you want to jump to.
(Cmd + Ctrl + m) in the line of the bookmark and modify it.
(Cmd + Ctrl + m) empty the bookmark's comment, press (enter), and the bookmark will be removed as well.
That's all!