Accident Assistant Automation using Google Map API ,Twilio api, OOPHP, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap4, CSS3, MySQL, Apache
All the source code is available here
- Copy this repo directory into xampp->htdocs folder and paste it (XAMPP server is used for apache and mysql)
- enable apache and mysql server from xampp
- install the composer and paste vendor autoload package inside home and update the Fetchdet.php and Fetchdet1.php with appropriate file path on line 3
- The database is available inside Database directory with schema designed & built on workbench. Do the forward engineering of accidentalassistance.mwb file through phpmyadmin or any sql server via workbench.
- Open any html 5 browser and navigate to localhost/Accident-assistant-automation to start using the web app
- Apache and MySQL Server (Xamp is used in this case)
- HTML5 Browser
- Composer
- Vendor autoload package for twilio
- Twilio account ssid and token credentials
- Google map account api key credentials
Download the software setups and follow the on screen instructions
step 1
installing XAMP Server v3.2.2 can downloaded from below link
Click here to visit download page
step 2
installing Composer downloaded from below link
Click here to visit download page
step 3
installing the dependencies (Vendor autoload package for twilio and google map api)
Type the following command 'composer require twilio/sdk'
and update the path in file Fetch.php and Fetch1.php inside OOPHP directory accordingly.
Note : if getting any local issuer certificate error follow the link given below
Click here to see the solution
Generate your own twilio api. Follow the link to see the procedures.
Click here to see how to generate twilio api
Generate your own google map api. Follow the link to see the procedures.
Note: if getting any authorized issue. just enable all the apis (Javascript , geolocation and geocoding API)
Click here to see how to generate google map api
update the Fetchdet.php and Fetchdet1.php with your generated apis key as mentioned in the code
step 4
enabling apache and mySQL server in xampp application
step 4
navigating to localhost/phpmyadmin and Do the forward engineering of accidentalassistance.mwb file through phpmyadmin or any sql server via workbench file
step 5
Start using the web app by opening the url localhost/Accident-assistant-automation
- Sublime - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
- Take a look at the working project demonstration. Click on the image to view the complete video
- Shadab Shaikh - Tweaking with twilio api, tweaking google map api, registration page, Help center page, designing database, architecturing the project, Generating dynamic pre-recorded message - shadabsk
- Obaid Kazi - registration page, designing the homepage, work on 'without vehicle module' - ObaidKazi
- Khan Mohammed Rehan - Finding the current location, Creating a prototype for nearby locations, tweaking google map api, architecturing the project - rehannk
- Mohd Adnan Ansari - Full design of the complete system and finding current plus nearby location - adnannet8425
- The template of was taken from PurpleBooth
- Mr. Muhammed Salman Shamsi Asst. Prof Kalsekar Technical campus - For his guidance
- Mrs. Kalpana Meher Bodke Asst. Prof Kalsekar Technical campus - For her guidance
- Mr. Imran shaikh Asst. Prof Kalsekar polytechnic - For his guidance