A ticket management system developed in React Native and launched with Expo Go.
Install dependencies according to your machine or system.
npm install
Once everything is setup, launch the project.
expo start
Install android emulator and iOS simulator with android studio and xcode, respectively. Make sure to include the project with the appropriate SDK versions and paths. If you would like to run the project on a physical device, then scan the QR code in the console or terminal with your android or iOS device.
After launching both devices:
After opening the project through Expo Go, it will take you to the home page.
After populating the input fields with values to submit a proper ticket:
After populating, the data was then registered and was able to print to the console as pictured below.
After clicking the Admin Panel button it will take you to this page to show the tickets that were registered in the data file which was then populated in an organized manner in the screen below.
This App was a useful tool to provide users with an easier way to issue their problems. It was designed and built in Visual Studio Code by using React Native. I used android studio and xcode to create virtual devices to deploy and launch the app for futher testing and publishing.
NOTE: Since using Expo Go instead of React Native CLI, there were a few dependencies and node modules that were required for this project which couldn't be implemented, such as, FileSystem, localStorage and basic HTML tags and elements.
Due to the time constraints and setup issues with React Native CLI on my new machine which didn't have anything installed until the purpose of this project, Expo Go was the fastest and most effieient way for me to install, design, build, launch and deploy this app. If you have any further questions, please reach out to me: [email protected]
Few errors that I've faced during the implementation of this project: