BananaHook provides an easy, signature agnostic detour handling mechanism. It originated in my hobby WoW bot.
Currently it is only possible to hook in x86 processes, yet a simple X64Assembler combined with some restructuring should suffice to support x64.
public delegate int EndSceneDelegate(IntPtr devicePointer);
EndSceneDelegate d = (EndSceneDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(0x1234), typeof(EndSceneDelegate));
var notifier = new ReflectionDetourNotifier((t, h) => new RetnHook(new InProcessMemory(), t, h), d);
notifier.DetourCalled += (s, e) => { foreach (var p in e.Parameters) Console.WriteLine(p.ToString()); };
Looks noisy, but definitely is extensible (added Int3Hook without much problems for example) and very clean.
A short legend for those concepts (or at least how I use them): Hooking is the interception of control flow with a given function with the same signature. It does not necessarily call or simulate the behavior of the original. A detour is a special hook that returns control flow to the original function after doing its work (a redirection). A detour notifier is just a little extension to the detour concept, which defines 'doing its work' as firing up an event.
Through the use of this event model, one can intercept multiple functions, which may even differ in signature, with one generic event handler. E.g.: Decide to detour EndScene or Present based on the used DirectX version (9 or 11 respectively) and intercept with the same signature agnostic handler. Pretty slick ;)
Providing a factory with parameters to a constructor that actually instantiates its dependency with that factory is clumsy and headspinning. Too be fair, it's supposed to be used with an IoC container such as Autofac:
// Inside the IoC containers initialization module:
builder.RegisterType<WhatEver>(); // see below
private static IDetourNotifier DetourNotifierFactory(IComponentContext container, IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)
return new ReflectionDetourNotifier(container.Resolve<ReflectionDetourNotifier.HookFactory>(),
// Inside your actual code:
class WhatEver
private readonly EndSceneDelegate _endScene = ...; // probably inject through a ctor parameter too
private readonly IDetourNotifier _notifier;
public WhatEver(Func<Delegate, IDetourNotifier> notifierFactory)
_notifier = notifierFactory(_endScene);
_notifier.DetourCalled += (s, e) => { foreach (var p in e.Parameters) Console.WriteLine(p.ToString()); }; // or sth
var we = container.Resolve<WhatEver>();
Note how decoupled and testable WhatEver
is now. No noise regarding signatures etc.
You can even switch to another delegate signature without changing any code (if your event handler doesn't rely on certain parameters of course).