Animus is a template CMake project that utilizes Djinni to generate Swift, Objective-C and Java bindings for modern C++. This is particularly useful for developing cross-platform mobile applications with common application logic.
The goal is this project is to provide:
- A core library template that can be used in the most native way for the IDE at hand
- In Xcode, we build a framework with a modulemap included; This allows us to use the libraries created with a simple `import' statement, rather than requiring a bridging header
- In Android Studio, we ensure that the CMake file can be consumed by Android Studio's gradle file out-of-the-box
- Support for out of source builds by default
- A modern CMake and C++ cross-platform implementation
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Xcode
Define your core application interface in $PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR/rc/djinni/interface_definition.djinni
and implement your interface in C++ in $PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR/src/cpp
To use an animus based project in Android Studio, open your Android project build.gradle
and add the following snippets to the necessary sections.
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
cppFlags "-std=c++14 -fexceptions"
arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_static"
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path "deps/animus/CMakeLists.txt"
After building the project on macOS, a framework will be generated. Including this in a project will allow you to use your core API from Objective-C and/or Swift.
import Animus
var api = Api.createApi(AppleEventLoop(), httpClient: AppleHttp(), threadLauncher: AppleThreadLauncher())
macOS Swift Example
Coming soon
├── deps/ # third party dependencies
├── rc/ # resources folder
├── src/ # contains hand-written source files in Objective-C, C++, and Java
├── .travis.yml # defines Travis-CI automated builds and regression tests
└── CMakeLists.txt # the top-level CMake build file
This project uses the "FreeBSD License" or "Simplified BSD License" making it compatible with both commercial software licenses and the GNU/GPL. For more information see LICENSE.