cmon-proxy creates a unified view of multiple controllers.
Disclaimer: everything here is currently experimental, in a working progress state.
NOTE: This writing assumes you have the docker image available at tag 'severalnines/clustercontrol-manager'.
Updated, it is not published/released from time-to-time to our dockerhub (manually for now):
Create a persistent storage directory on your host system, like ./cmon-proxy-data, this directory will contain the configuration files and TLS certs/keys and the log of the cmon-proxy application. You can put your own TLS cert (a combined full chain one, so the main cert and all the CA-s together, or just a self signed one) and key into your data directory using the following file names: server.crt and server.key
You should pass the full path to your persistent directory to docker. By default the service runs at 19051, you can redirect it to any freely choosen available port.
mkdir cmon-proxy-data
docker run -v "$(pwd)/cmon-proxy-data:/data" -p 19051:19051 severalnines/clustercontrol-manager
At first startup you are gonna see an auto generated 'admin' user and password printed out, you may use this or change the password or even drop this user.
Currently the daemon stores the password hashes (PBKDF2 algo) in the configuration file, you can manage the users using the following commands (after u have the proxy up&running)
Lets find out your container ID/name first
$ docker ps
b6eca97d4982 severalnines/cmon-proxy "/ccmgr --basedir=/d…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>19051/tcp cranky_chandrasekhar
Then you can use the ccmgradm tool to manage the users:
$ docker exec b6eca97d4982 ./ccmgradm
ClusterControl Manager - admin CLI v2.2
Usage: ./ccmgradm adduser|setpassword|dropuser USERNAME [PASSWORD]
Creating a user for example:
$ docker exec b6eca97d4982 ./ccmgradm adduser myuser mypassword
ClusterControl Manager - admin CLI v2.2
Succeed, reloading daemon.
NOTE, new functionality, when registering controllers using LDAP authentication, you do not need to specify any static username and password, as the the cmon-proxy frontend authentication will be simply forwarded to the registered (and LDAP enabled) cmon instances, for example:
ccmgradm addcontroller -l --name LDAPONE ldap.myserver.tld:9501 --frontend-url https://ldap.myserver.tld
List the currently registered controllers:
$ ccmgradm listcontrollers
ClusterControl Manager - admin CLI v2.2
Controllers from configuration:
* [kedz-workstation] Static user: admin
* [lxd-cmon] Static user: cmononlxd
* [cmon-authfail] Static user: authfail
* [cmonoff] *LDAP authentication*
* ldap.myserver.tld:9501 [LDAPONE] *LDAP authentication* Web-UI:https://ldap.myserver.tld
* test01:9501 [Test01] Static user: cmon
Succeed, reloading daemon.
Add or update controller (for update just use the 'updatecontroller' subcommand:
$ ccmgradm addcontroller --help
ClusterControl Manager - admin CLI v2.2
Usage: main addcontroller [--use-ldap] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--name NAME] [--frontend-url FRONTEND-URL] [URL]
Positional arguments:
URL The controller's RPC(v2) URL
--use-ldap, -l Use LDAP login to controller
--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
Static non-LDAP credentials
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
Static non-LDAP credentials
--name NAME, -n NAME Controller name (default: hostname from URL)
--frontend-url FRONTEND-URL, -f FRONTEND-URL
The ClusterControl WEB UI URL of this controller
--help, -h display this help and exit
To drop a controller:
$ ccmgradm dropcontroller --help
ClusterControl Manager - admin CLI v2.2
Usage: main dropcontroller [URLORNAME]
Positional arguments:
URLORNAME The controller name or URL from configuration.
--help, -h display this help and exit
The daemon expects (for now) the configuration file located in the current working directory, its structure can be found here:
An example configuration can be seen here:
filename: ccmgr.yaml
instances: # List of controller
- xid: chebjd8gfi863qqhrolg # Controller id. Generated automatically
url: hostname:9443/api # Controller api URL
name: Controller name
username: admin
password: password
frontend_url: http://hostname:9443/ # Url of Cluster Control web interface
- xid: cnoi4d3fo0o9e9m7hap0 # Controller id. Generated automatically
# ....
timeout: 30 # request timeout in seconds. Default 30
logfile: ccmgr.log # cmon proxy log file. Default ccmgr.log
users: # Cmon proxy users, can be set via ccmgradm setpassword <username> <password>
- username: admin
passwordhash: <hash>
frontend_path: /app # Path to static files that cmon proxy can serve
port: 19051
tls_cert: server.crt # Default server.crt can be set from env TLS_CERTIFICATE_FILE variable
tls_key: server.key # Default server.key can be set from env TLS_KEY_FILE variable
session_ttl: 3600000000000 # Session time to live in nanoseconds. Default 1 hour
fetch_backups_days: 7 # How many days in the past cmon-proxy should look for backup data. Default is 7 days
fetch_jobs_hours: 12 # How many hours in the past cmon-proxy should look for jobs data. Default is 12 hours
During first startup the daemon is generating a default admin user and a password, it can be found in its log file.
2021-03-02T14:06:11.347+0100 info Default 'admin' user has been created with password '7052369b1abd'
LoginRequest struct:
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"username":"admin","password":"7052369b1abd"}' -c cookies.jar
"request_created": "",
"request_processed": "2021-03-03T11:17:43+01:00",
"request_status": "Ok",
"username": {
"username": "admin"
(it can be either POST or GET request)
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{}' -b cookies.jar
If user is not logged in the request will throw a 401 HTTP status
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{}' -b cookies.jar
"request_created": "",
"request_processed": "2021-03-03T11:18:34+01:00",
"request_status": "Ok",
"username": {
"username": "admin"
Updating the ProxyUser object fields (you must send all, except passwordash it is going to be discarded by this request anyway, you can't udpate password using this request) ProxUser fields:
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"user":{"username":"admin","email":"[email protected]"}}' -b cookies.jar | jq
"request_created": "",
"request_processed": "2021-03-03T12:07:05+01:00",
"request_status": "Ok",
"user": {
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]"
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"old_password":"7052369b1abd","new_password":"password"}' -b cookies.jar | jq
"request_created": "",
"request_processed": "2021-03-03T12:10:16+01:00",
"request_status": "Ok",
"user": {
"username": "kedz"
This endpoint will gives an overview of the available configured cmon instances and their status and version informations.
The reply structure can be found there:
You may send a POST request here, in that way it is possible to define the 'force_license_check' flag. See for exact details on the request arguments.
An example request and reply:
curl -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/controllers/status' | jq
"controllers": [
"controller_id": "926e81d6-cfde-41f1-a36e-06280c156ca5",
"controller_name": "lxd-cmon",
"url": "",
"version": "",
"status_message": "",
"status": "ok"
"controller_id": "",
"controller_name": "kedz-workstation",
"url": "",
"version": "1.8.2",
"status_message": "",
"status": "ok"
"controller_id": "f141d8ca-cab7-4324-a940-e1df91b87489",
"controller_name": "cmon-authfail",
"url": "",
"version": "",
"status_message": "AccessDenied: Username or password is incorrect.",
"status": "authentication-error"
"controller_id": "",
"controller_name": "cmonoff",
"url": "",
"version": "",
"status_message": "Post \"\": dial tcp: address 123456: invalid port",
"status": "failed"
Test or add a controller, add will cause the configuration file to be updated as well (even in case of failures), so you might want to test first
- proxy/controllers/test: to test a controller (in case of LDAP it only works when the currently logged user is an LDAP user)
- proxy/controllers/add: to add a new controller
- proxy/controllers/update: update an existing controller
The controller parameters can be seen here:
curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/controllers/test' -d'{"controller":{"url":"","name":"testadd","username":"someuser","password":"password"}}' | jq
curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/controllers/update' -d'{"controller":{"xid":"co163ho8ia90oenf0o2g","name":"testadd","username":"someuser","password":"password"}}' | jq
"controller": {
"controller_id": "",
"controller_name": "testadd",
"url": "",
"version": "",
"status_message": "Post \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused",
"status": "failed"
This method can be used to remove a controller. Note the configuration will be updated too.
curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/controllers/remove' -d'{"xid":"co163ho8ia90oenf0o2g"}' | jq
"type": "Ok",
"message": "The controller is removed."
curl -k -XPOST 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/clusters/status' -d'{"filters":[{"key":"tags", "matchall":["test","bitcoin"]}]}' | jq
Returned fields:
- "cluster_states": count of clusters in certain cluster state
- "node_states": count of node states in certain host status
- "clusters_count": the number of clusters hosted by each controller (key is cmon URL)
- "nodes_count": the number of hosts by each controller (key is cmon URL)
The possible cluster states are:
- CLUSTER_MGMD_NO_CONTACT: No contact to the management node.
- CLUSTER_STARTED: There are no failed nodes, there are started nodes.
- CLUSTER_NOT_STARTED: The cluster is failed to start.
- CLUSTER_DEGRADED: There are running and there are failed nodes as well.
- CLUSTER_FAILURE: Cluster is failed to start.
- CLUSTER_SHUTTING_DOWN: Cluster is stopping now.
- CLUSTER_RECOVERING: Cluster is recovering from an error.
- CLUSTER_STARTING: Cluster is starting.
- CLUSTER_UNKNOWN: Cluster state is not yet determined.
- CLUSTER_STOPPED: The cluster is stopped by Cmon.
The possible host states are ( also see ):
- CmonHostUnknown: The status of the host is not yet found.
- CmonHostOnline: The host is on-line, everything is ok with it, no errors or special conditions detected.
- CmonHostOffLine: The host is off-line, can not be contacted and we have no detailed information about what happened.
- CmonHostFailed: We have a connection to the host, but it is failed. We already know that the controller can not recover the host, manual intervention is required.
- CmonHostRecovery: There was some error and the host is now recovering.
- CmonHostShutDown: The host is deliberately shut down.
Reply definition:
"cluster_states": {
"clusters_count": {
"": 1,
"": 47
"nodes_count": {
"": 2,
"": 189
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 190,
"CmonHostShutDown": 1
"by_controller": {
"cfqb3bv6i1eb2e2qsrig": {
"cluster_states": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 21
"by_cluster": {
"1": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 6
"2": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 3
"3": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 10
"4": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 2
"cgimqin6i1e1gkrk3700": {
"cluster_states": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 15
"by_cluster": {
"1": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 3
"2": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 3
"3": {
"node_states": {
"CmonHostOnline": 9
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, state, cluster_type
$ curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/clusters/list' \
-d'{ "filters":[ {"key":"state","values":["DEGRADED","FAILURE"] }], "with_hosts": false }' | jq
"clusters": [
"controller_id": "",
"controller_url": "",
"class_name": "CmonClusterInfo",
"cluster_id": 262,
"cluster_name": "cluster_262",
"cluster_type": "POSTGRESQL_SINGLE",
"hosts": null,
"state": "DEGRADED",
"maintenance_mode_active": false
"last_updated": {
"": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, clusterid (yeah both as CmonHost has 'clusterid'), cluster_type, port, hostname, role, nodetype, hoststatus
$ curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/clusters/hosts' \
-d'{ "filters":[ {"key":"hoststatus","values":["CmonHostOffline","CmonHostShutDown","CmonHostFailed"] }] }' | jq
"hosts": [
"controller_id": "",
"controller_url": "",
"class_name": "CmonPostgreSqlHost",
"clusterid": 262,
"service_started": 1607280181,
"hostId": 5240,
"unique_id": 880,
"lastseen": 1608131196,
"port": 5432,
"listening_port": 0,
"hostname": "",
"hoststatus": "CmonHostShutDown",
"role": "slave",
"nodetype": "postgres",
"ip": "",
"rw_port": 0,
"ro_port": 0,
"uptime": 758329,
"ssl_certs": {
"replication": null,
"server": {
"ca": "/etc/ssl/postgresql_single/cluster_262/server_ca.crt",
"id": 102,
"key": "/etc/ssl/postgresql_single/cluster_262/server.key",
"path": "/etc/ssl/postgresql_single/cluster_262/server.crt",
"ssl_enabled": true
"last_updated": {
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z",
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z"
curl -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/alarms/status' | jq
"alarms_count": {
"alarm_types": {
"BackupFailed": 1,
"HostCpuUsage": 1
"by_controller": {
"": {
"alarm_counts": {},
"alarm_types": {}
"": {
"alarms_count": {
"alarm_types": {
"BackupFailed": 1,
"HostCpuUsage": 1
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, cluster_type, severity_name, type_name, hostname, component_name, tags
$ curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/alarms/list' \
-d'{"filters":[ {"key":"severity_name","value":"ALARM_WARNING"} ]}' | jq
"alarms": [
"controller_id": "",
"controller_url": "",
"alarm_id": 13752,
"cluster_id": 248,
"component_name": "Cluster",
"created": "2020-12-17T13:32:41Z",
"hostname": "",
"title": "Cluster Failure",
"message": "Cluster Failure.",
"recommendation": "Cluster failed, Cluster Recovery needed.",
"severity_name": "ALARM_WARNING",
"type_name": "ClusterFailure"
"last_updated": {
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z",
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z"
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"filters":[]}' | jq
"job_count": {
"FAILED": 1,
"job_commands": {
"backup": 9
"by_controller": {
"": {
"job_count": {},
"job_commands": {}
"": {
"job_count": {
"FAILED": 1,
"job_commands": {
"backup": 9
"by_cluster_type": {
"job_count": {
"job_commands": {
"backup": 1
"by_controller": {
"": {
"job_count": {
"job_commands": {
"backup": 1
"job_count": {
"FAILED": 1,
"job_commands": {
"backup": 8
"by_controller": {
"": {
"job_count": {
"FAILED": 1,
"job_commands": {
"backup": 8
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, cluster_type, job_command, tags
curl -XPOST -k 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/alarms/list' | jq
"jobs": [
"controller_id": "",
"controller_url": "",
"class_name": "CmonJobInstance",
"tags": [
"cluster_id": 215,
"user_id": 0,
"user_name": "system",
"group_id": 1,
"group_name": "admins",
"can_be_deleted": true,
"created": "2021-02-02T13:50:00Z",
"ended": "2021-02-02T13:50:11Z",
"ip_address": "",
"job_id": 185319,
"parent_job_id": 94935,
"rpc_version": "1.0",
"started": "2021-02-02T13:50:02Z",
"status": "FINISHED",
"status_text": "Command ok",
"title": "Create Backup",
"job_spec": {
"command": "backup",
"job_data": {
"backup_failover": false,
"backup_failover_host": "",
"backup_method": "mariabackupincr",
"backup_retention": 0,
"backupdir": "/home/cmon_user/backups",
"backupsubdir": "BACKUP-%I",
"cc_storage": "0",
"compression": true,
"compression_level": 6,
"hostname": "auto",
"throttle_rate_netbw": 0,
"use_pigz": false,
"use_qpress": false,
"wsrep_desync": false,
"xtrabackup_backup_locks": true,
"xtrabackup_lock_ddl_per_table": false,
"xtrabackup_parallellism": 1
"has_progress": false,
"progress_percent": 0
/* ... */
"last_updated": {
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z",
"": "2020-12-16T15:06:55Z"
Reply definition:
NOTE: tag filtration is possible
curl -k -XPOST 'https://localhost:19051/proxy/backups/status' -d'{}' | jq
"backups_count": {
"Completed": 11,
"Failed": 2
"by_controller": {
"": {
"backups_count": {},
"missing_schedules": 0,
"schedules_count": 0
/* ... */
/* ... */
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, cluster_type, tags
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"{filters":[{"cluster_id": 234}]}' | jq
The reply is the same as in case of jobs list, but this one returns only the scheduled backup jobs only
"jobs": [
/* ... */
"last_updated": {
/* ... */
Request/reply structure:
PAGINATION and sorting is possible, see ListRequest at
Supported filter keys for this request: controller_id, controller_url, cluster_id, cluster_type, tags, backup_id, status, method
curl -XPOST -k '' -d'{"{filters":[{"cluster_id": 234}]}' | jq
"total": 12,
"backups": [
"controller_id": "",
"controller_url": "",
"class_name": "CmonBackupRecord",
/* ... */