Once all the dependencies are installed and running follow these steps to get the local environment up and running.
npm install
Create config.json file (see below)
start gulp (see below)
This file is not in the repo and needs to be created and saved in the root where the gulp.babel.js file is located.
"a11y": {
"enabled": true,
"include": "",
"exclude": ""
Object | Type | Definition |
env.dev | String | path to your src folder in your local files "Clone'd Repo" |
env.wwwroot | String | path to your dist folder |
a11y.urls | Array | the sites/urls that you want to test for accessibility issues while coding |
a11y.enabled | Boolean | enabled or disables the a11y testing engine |
a11y.include | String | html "selector" that you want to include into the scan (i.e. .content will only check those matching the selector .content) |
a11y.exclude | String | html "selector" that excludes that selector from the scan (i.e. .navigation will skip the matching selector from the scan) |
Command | Type | Purpose |
gulp | Main | Runs all sub tasks needed but does not run a local web server via browsersync. |
gulp serve | Main | Runs all sub tasks needed and launches a local web server via browsersync at http://localhost:9000 |
gulp serve:docs | Main | Generates a jsdoc and launches a local web server via browsersync at http://localhost:9000 (no watch) |
clean | Utility | Deletes all the JS, CSS and Views from Inetpub |