This project is composed of three distinct services. The "user" service manages user authentication. The "admin" service facilitates the seamless addition of single or bulk books into a Redis queue, which is then consumed by another service, ultimately writing the information into the database. The "book" service operates efficiently with multiple workers, extracting newly added or modified book details from Redis and persisting them to PostgreSQL. Furthermore, this service exposes APIs for accessing book lists, retrieving detailed book information, and facilitating user actions such as submitting reviews or bookmarking a book.
Ensure that your system includes both Postgres and Redis.
login to Postgres CLI
sudo -u postgres psql
Create database
create database test;
Create user and password
create user test with encrypted password 'test'; grant all privileges on database test to test;
This project is implemented using the Go workspace. Before running any service, ensure to execute the following command to download the project and its dependencies:
go work init go work use user go work use admin go work use book go work use pkg
Run (or build then execute) each service separately
go run user/main.go go run admin/main.go go run book/main.go
Add one book
go run admin/main.go addNewBook --name "Harry Potter" --details "Lorem ipsum"
Add multiple book with csv file
go run admin/main.go newBooks --name "books.csv" --path "your path"
csv file example:
Name,Description Think Python,test1 100 mistake in olang,test2
Edit one book
go run admin main.go editBook --id 2812 --name "Test" --details "Test"
Edit multiple books
go run admin/main.go editBooks --name "books.csv" --path "your path"
csv file example:
Id,Name,Description 55,Think Python,test1 66,100 mistake in olang,test2
delete one book
go run admin/main.go deleteBook --id 2812
Delete multiple books
go run admin/main.go deleteBooks --ids "2809,2808"