(ETHPrague2024 project)
#AI #LLM #docker #streamlit #solidity #foundry #forge #ipfs #subgraph #DAO #decentralized #ethereum #zk #byzantineTraining #optimism #cardona #zircuit #linea #sepolia
live: https://unstoppable-ai.why-nft.com/
(https://unstoppable-models.streamlit.app/ deprecated)
video: https://youtu.be/751XpV0xqEo
We aim to create a public ML model training initiative (as a public good) where anyone can freely submit the next weight update for the model according to a fixed algorithm on a fixed dataset.
The initial weights
A public dataset D is fixed offchain.
In each iteration
All interested participants locally compute gradients
They submit the hash of this computation to the chain (and optionally publish the actual value publicly).
The new weights are computed as
Every k steps, the updated weights are published offchain.
Worker - Acquires a mutex (with a deposit) and attempts to perform a weight update step (or k steps). The Worker then publishes the updated weights on IPFS.
Validator - Token holders who resolve disputes. Validators receive rewards regardless of the outcome but are incentivized to act honestly to promote project growth.
Fraud-Proofer - Independently validates selected steps within a specific timeframe and can escalate disputes to the Validator if suspicious activity is detected (posting a deposit). If a correctly identified error is confirmed by the Validator, the Fraud-Proofer receives the Worker's stake.
observes whole training process
cd research && \
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt && \
python3 -m streamlit run frontend-state-listener.py
(by default it listens to Cardona smart-contract instance)
performs updates and syncs results with contract
cd research && \
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt && \
python3 worker.py
- contracts: deployments
- subgraph: https://api.studio.thegraph.com/query/77200/unstoppable-models/0.0.6
- contracts: deployments
- subgraph: https://api.studio.thegraph.com/query/77200/unstoppable-models-optimismsep/0.0.2
- contracts: deployments
- subgraph: https://api.studio.thegraph.com/query/77200/unstoppable-models-sepolia/0.0.1
- contracts: zircuit.json
- subgraph [self running]
- not enough balance =(
source .env && CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=sepolia forge script --chain sepolia script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --broadcast -vvvv --legacy
source .env && CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=cardona forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url https://rpc.cardona.zkevm-rpc.com --broadcast -vvvv --legacy
source .env && CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=linea forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url https://rpc.goerli.linea.build --broadcast -vvvv --legacy
source .env && CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=optimismsepolia forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url https://optimism-sepolia.drpc.org --broadcast -vvvv --legacy
source .env && CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=zircuit forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url https://zircuit1.p2pify.com --broadcast -vvvv --legacy
or to Anvil
CONTRACTS_ENV_NAME=local forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast --legacy
- How DAO would be incentivised to act honestly? Like not to collude with the Worker to get the Worker's stake?
- Do you have a specific dataset in mind?
npm run import-config-networks && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local