XISF Encoder/Decoder (see https://pixinsight.com/xisf/).
This implementation is not endorsed nor related with PixInsight development team.
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Sergio Díaz, sergiodiaz.eu
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
class XISF()
Implements an baseline XISF Decoder and a simple baseline Encoder. It parses metadata from Image and Metadata XISF core elements. Image data is returned as a numpy ndarray (using the "channels-last" convention by default).
What's supported:
- Monolithic XISF files only
- XISF data blocks with attachment, inline or embedded block locations
- Planar pixel storage models, however it assumes 2D images only (with multiple channels)
- UInt8/16/32 and Float32/64 pixel sample formats
- Grayscale and RGB color spaces
- Decoding:
- multiple Image core elements from a monolithic XISF file
- Support all standard compression codecs defined in this specification for decompression (zlib/lz4[hc]/zstd + byte shuffling)
- Encoding:
- Single image core element with an attached data block
- Support all standard compression codecs defined in this specification for decompression (zlib/lz4[hc]/zstd + byte shuffling)
- "Atomic" properties (scalar types, String, TimePoint), Vector and Matrix (e.g. astrometric solutions)
- Metadata and FITSKeyword core elements
What's not supported (at least by now):
- Read pixel data in the normal pixel storage models
- Read pixel data in the planar pixel storage models other than 2D images
- Complex and Table properties
- Any other not explicitly supported core elements (Resolution, Thumbnail, ICCProfile, etc.)
Usage example:
from xisf import XISF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xisf = XISF("file.xisf")
file_meta = xisf.get_file_metadata()
ims_meta = xisf.get_images_metadata()
im_data = xisf.read_image(0)
"output.xisf", im_data,
creator_app="My script v1.0", image_metadata=ims_meta[0], xisf_metadata=file_meta,
codec='lz4hc', shuffle=True
If the file is not huge and it contains only an image (or you're interested just in one of the images inside the file), there is a convenience method for reading the data and the metadata:
from xisf import XISF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im_data = XISF.read("file.xisf")
The XISF format specification is available at https://pixinsight.com/doc/docs/XISF-1.0-spec/XISF-1.0-spec.html
def __init__(fname)
Opens a XISF file and extract its metadata. To get the metadata and the images, see get_file_metadata(), get_images_metadata() and read_image().
- filename
XISF object.
def get_images_metadata()
Provides the metadata of all image blocks contained in the XISF File, extracted from
the header ( core elements). To get the actual image data, see read_image().
It outputs a dictionary m_i for each image, with the following structure:
m_i = {
'geometry': (width, height, channels), # only 2D images (with multiple channels) are supported
'location': (pos, size), # used internally in read_image()
'dtype': np.dtype('...'), # derived from sampleFormat argument
'compression': (codec, uncompressed_size, item_size), # optional
'key': 'value', # other <Image> attributes are simply copied
'FITSKeywords': { <fits_keyword>: fits_keyword_values_list, ... },
'XISFProperties': { <xisf_property_name>: property_dict, ... }
fits_keyword_values_list = [ {'value': <value>, 'comment': <comment> }, ...]
property_dict = {'id': <xisf_property_name>, 'type': <xisf_type>, 'value': property_value, ...}
list [ m_0, m_1, ..., m_{n-1} ] where m_i is a dict as described above.
def get_file_metadata()
Provides the metadata from the header of the XISF File ( core elements).
dictionary with one entry per property: { <xisf_property_name>: property_dict, ... } where:
property_dict = {'id': <xisf_property_name>, 'type': <xisf_type>, 'value': property_value, ...}
def get_metadata_xml()
Returns the complete XML header as a xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object.
- complete XML XISF header
def read_image(n=0, data_format='channels_last')
Extracts an image from a XISF object.
- index of the image to extract in the list returned by get_images_metadata()data_format
- channels axis can be 'channels_first' or 'channels_last' (as used in keras/tensorflow, pyplot's imshow, etc.), 0 by default.
Numpy ndarray with the image data, in the requested format (channels_first or channels_last).
def read(fname, n=0, image_metadata={}, xisf_metadata={})
Convenience method for reading a file containing a single image.
string - filenamen
int, optional - index of the image to extract (in the list returned by get_images_metadata()). Defaults to 0.image_metadata
dict, optional - dictionary that will be updated with the metadata of the image.xisf_metadata
dict, optional - dictionary that will be updated with the metadata of the file.
- Numpy ndarray with the image data, in the requested format (channels_first or channels_last).
def write(fname, im_data, creator_app=None, image_metadata={}, xisf_metadata={}, codec=None, shuffle=False, level=None)
Writes an image (numpy array) to a XISF file. Compression may be requested but it only will be used if it actually reduces the data size.
- filename (will overwrite if existing)im_data
- numpy ndarray with the image datacreator_app
- string for XISF:CreatorApplication file property (defaults to python version in None provided)image_metadata
- dict with the same structure described for m_i in get_images_metadata(). Only 'FITSKeywords' and 'XISFProperties' keys are actually written, the rest are derived from im_data.xisf_metadata
- file metadata, dict with the same structure returned by get_file_metadata()codec
- compression codec ('zlib', 'lz4', 'lz4hc' or 'zstd'), or None to disable compressionshuffle
- whether to apply byte-shuffling before compression (ignored if codec is None). Recommended for 'lz4' ,'lz4hc' and 'zstd' compression algorithms.level
- for zlib, 1..9 (default: 6); for lz4hc, 1..12 (default: 9); for zstd, 1..22 (default: 3). Higher means more compression.
- the total number of bytes written into the output file.codec
- The codec actually used, i.e., None if compression did not reduce the data block size so compression was not finally used.