Releases: seraphx2/ESI.NET
NuGet Version 2023.7.15
NuGet Version 2023.04.15
[INTERNAL] Paging added to unvivers/types
and universe/groups
NuGet Version 2023.2.11
[INTERNAL] EsiRequest "variable" headers were set to a thread safe creation [contributor:DragonSA]
[INTERNAL] EsiRequest accepted a RequestMethod property but needed to convert that to HttpMethod. Just changed the property type to HttpMethod instead to get rid of switch statement.
[FIXED|BREAKING] The Property Model.Skills.Attributes.LastRemapDate is now a DateTime
value; previously was string
NuGet Version 2021.12.12
[BUG] - added StagingSystemId to Incursion Model.
NuGet Version 2021.11.19
Previously could choose v1 or v2 OAuth, but never actually checked against the JWT.
PKCE and JWT validation is 100% complete.
v1 OAuth option has been removed per CCP ending support and is no longer an ESIConfig property.
Added a GenerateCodeChallenge() SSO helper method.
NuGet Version 2021.9.30
[UPDATED] Lots of version updates for endpoints. Almost all of /characters
and /corporations
incremented version by 1.
[FIXED] Some endpoints returned List<int>
and some int[]
. I decided to standardize with int[]
[FIXED] Constellation Model had a property named MyProperty
. Fixed to be correct: Systems
Merged a Pull Request for a RevokeToken
method in SSO methods. suldev
Merged a Pull Request for PCKE support. Slazanger
NuGet Version 2020.12.8
[FIXED] /corporations/{corporation_id}/members/ (Response object updated: List removed and replaced with int[])
NuGet Version 2020.10.20
[FIXED] SSO - URL encoding for state and scope query strings [Slazanger]
[FIXED] /characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/ (Response object updated: label_ids updated to List<long>
from long
v5 => v6 /characters/{character_id}/notifications/
v2 => v3 /characters/{character_id}/portrait/
NuGet Version 2020.6.22
[FIXED] if
statement issue with SSO Logic
[UPDATED] Status ServerVersion property from int
to string
[UPDATED] Alliance DateFounded propert from string
to DateTime
[UPDATED] Added gzip decompression headers
[UPDATED] Four end points to new versions:
- /alliance/{alliance_id}/ from v3 to v4
- /characters/{character_id}/clones/ from v3 to v4
- /characters/{character_id}/implants/ from v1 to v2
- /status/ from v1 to v2
NuGet Version 2020.7.6
[FIXED] SSO scope duplication.
Added code_challenge support.
Added Asteroids to Planet object