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add economic security pallet tests
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akildemir committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 435f1d9 commit f1f5100
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Showing 6 changed files with 351 additions and 1 deletion.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Cargo.lock

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31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion substrate/economic-security/pallet/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,19 @@ coins-pallet = { package = "serai-coins-pallet", path = "../../coins/pallet", de

serai-primitives = { path = "../../primitives", default-features = false }

pallet-babe = { git = "", default-features = false }
pallet-grandpa = { git = "", default-features = false }
pallet-timestamp = { git = "", default-features = false }

validator-sets-pallet = { package = "serai-validator-sets-pallet", path = "../../validator-sets/pallet", default-features = false }

sp-io = { git = "", default-features = false }
sp-runtime = { git = "", default-features = false }
sp-core = { git = "", default-features = false }
sp-consensus-babe = { git = "", default-features = false }

std = [
Expand All @@ -38,11 +51,27 @@ std = [




try-runtime = [] # TODO

try-runtime = [


default = ["std"]
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions substrate/economic-security/pallet/src/
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@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

mod mock;

mod tests;

Expand Down
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions substrate/economic-security/pallet/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
//! Test environment for EconomicSecurity pallet.
use super::*;

use core::marker::PhantomData;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use frame_support::{
traits::{ConstU16, ConstU32, ConstU64},

use sp_core::{
H256, Pair as PairTrait,
sr25519::{Public, Pair},
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},

use serai_primitives::*;
use validator_sets::{primitives::MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET, MembershipProof};

pub use crate as economic_security;
pub use coins_pallet as coins;
pub use dex_pallet as dex;
pub use pallet_babe as babe;
pub use pallet_grandpa as grandpa;
pub use pallet_timestamp as timestamp;
pub use validator_sets_pallet as validator_sets;

type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;
// Maximum number of authorities per session.
pub type MaxAuthorities = ConstU32<{ MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET }>;

pub const PRIMARY_PROBABILITY: (u64, u64) = (1, 4);
pub const BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG: sp_consensus_babe::BabeEpochConfiguration =
sp_consensus_babe::BabeEpochConfiguration {
allowed_slots: sp_consensus_babe::AllowedSlots::PrimaryAndSecondaryPlainSlots,

pub const MEDIAN_PRICE_WINDOW_LENGTH: u16 = 10;

pub enum Test
System: frame_system,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Coins: coins,
LiquidityTokens: coins::<Instance1>::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
ValidatorSets: validator_sets,
EconomicSecurity: economic_security,
Dex: dex,
Babe: babe,
Grandpa: grandpa,

impl frame_system::Config for Test {
type BaseCallFilter = frame_support::traits::Everything;
type BlockWeights = ();
type BlockLength = ();
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type Nonce = u64;
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type AccountId = Public;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Block = Block;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type BlockHashCount = ConstU64<250>;
type DbWeight = ();
type Version = ();
type PalletInfo = PalletInfo;
type AccountData = ();
type OnNewAccount = ();
type OnKilledAccount = ();
type SystemWeightInfo = ();
type SS58Prefix = ();
type OnSetCode = ();
type MaxConsumers = ConstU32<16>;

impl timestamp::Config for Test {
type Moment = u64;
type OnTimestampSet = Babe;
type MinimumPeriod = ConstU64<{ (TARGET_BLOCK_TIME * 1000) / 2 }>;
type WeightInfo = ();

impl babe::Config for Test {
type EpochDuration = ConstU64<{ FAST_EPOCH_DURATION }>;

type ExpectedBlockTime = ConstU64<{ TARGET_BLOCK_TIME * 1000 }>;
type EpochChangeTrigger = babe::ExternalTrigger;
type DisabledValidators = ValidatorSets;

type WeightInfo = ();
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;

type KeyOwnerProof = MembershipProof<Self>;
type EquivocationReportSystem = ();

impl grandpa::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;

type WeightInfo = ();
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;

type MaxSetIdSessionEntries = ConstU64<0>;
type KeyOwnerProof = MembershipProof<Self>;
type EquivocationReportSystem = ();

impl coins::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AllowMint = ValidatorSets;

impl coins::Config<coins::Instance1> for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AllowMint = ();

impl dex::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;

type LPFee = ConstU32<3>; // 0.3%
type MintMinLiquidity = ConstU64<10000>;

type MaxSwapPathLength = ConstU32<3>; // coin1 -> SRI -> coin2

type MedianPriceWindowLength = ConstU16<{ MEDIAN_PRICE_WINDOW_LENGTH }>;

type WeightInfo = dex::weights::SubstrateWeight<Test>;

impl validator_sets::Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ShouldEndSession = Babe;

impl Config for Test {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;

// For a const we can't define
pub fn genesis_participants() -> Vec<Pair> {

// Amounts for single key share per network
pub fn key_shares() -> HashMap<NetworkId, Amount> {
(NetworkId::Serai, Amount(50_000 * 10_u64.pow(8))),
(NetworkId::External(ExternalNetworkId::Bitcoin), Amount(1_000_000 * 10_u64.pow(8))),
(NetworkId::External(ExternalNetworkId::Ethereum), Amount(1_000_000 * 10_u64.pow(8))),
(NetworkId::External(ExternalNetworkId::Monero), Amount(100_000 * 10_u64.pow(8))),

pub(crate) fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::<Test>::default().build_storage().unwrap();
let networks: Vec<(NetworkId, Amount)> = key_shares().into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();

coins::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
accounts: genesis_participants()
.map(|a| (a.public(), Balance { coin: Coin::Serai, amount: Amount(1 << 60) }))
_ignore: Default::default(),
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)

validator_sets::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
participants: genesis_participants().into_iter().map(|p| p.public()).collect(),
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)

babe::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
authorities: genesis_participants()
.map(|validator| (validator.public().into(), 1))
epoch_config: Some(BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG),
_config: PhantomData,
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)

grandpa::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
authorities: genesis_participants()
.map(|validator| (validator.public().into(), 1))
_config: PhantomData,
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)

let mut ext = sp_io::TestExternalities::new(t);
ext.execute_with(|| System::set_block_number(0));
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions substrate/economic-security/pallet/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
use crate::mock::*;

use frame_support::traits::Hooks;
use frame_system::RawOrigin;

use sp_core::{sr25519::Signature, Pair as PairTrait};
use sp_runtime::BoundedVec;

use validator_sets::primitives::KeyPair;
use serai_primitives::{
insecure_pair_from_name, Balance, Coin, ExternalBalance, ExternalCoin, ExternalNetworkId,

fn set_keys_for_session(network: ExternalNetworkId) {
KeyPair(insecure_pair_from_name("Alice").public(), vec![].try_into().unwrap()),
Signature([0u8; 64]),

fn make_pool_with_liquidity(coin: &ExternalCoin) {
// make a pool so that we have security oracle value for the coin
let liq_acc = insecure_pair_from_name("liq-acc").public();
let balance = ExternalBalance { coin: *coin, amount: key_shares()[&] };
Coins::mint(liq_acc, balance.into()).unwrap();
Coins::mint(liq_acc, Balance { coin: Coin::Serai, amount: balance.amount }).unwrap();

balance.amount.0 / 2,
balance.amount.0 / 2,
assert!(Dex::security_oracle_value(coin).unwrap().0 > 0)

fn economic_security() {
new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
// update the state

// make sure it is right at the beginning
// this is none at this point since no set has set their keys so TAS isn't up-to-date
for network in EXTERNAL_NETWORKS {
assert_eq!(EconomicSecurity::economic_security_block(network), None);

// set the keys for TAS and have pools for oracle value
for coin in EXTERNAL_COINS {

// update the state

// check again. The reason we have economic security now is because we stake a key share
// per participant per network(total of 4 key share) in genesis for all networks.
for network in EXTERNAL_NETWORKS {
assert_eq!(EconomicSecurity::economic_security_block(network), Some(1));

// TODO: Not sure how much sense this test makes since we start from an economically secure
// state. Ideally we should start from not economically secure state and stake the necessary
// amount and then check whether the pallet set the value right since that will be the mainnet
// path. But we cant do that at the moment since vs-pallet genesis build auto stake per network
// to construct the set. This also makes a missing piece of logic explicit. We need genesis
// validators to be in-set but without their stake, or at least its affect on TAS. So this test
// should be updated once that logic is coded.

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